You know the buttons at the top of windows to close, minimize etc?
On macOS they are at the top left. On Linux Mint they are top right.
I have been jumping btw those OS. Finally, I changed settings now in Linux Mint LMDE Cinnamon and moved them to the left like on mac. Very easy to change in settings.
Now I wonder how long it will take until I remember I have them up in the left corner.
@Flamekebab day, when I want to go wild and crazy, yes!
@hehemrin This is definitely me with KDE's (until February) default "Single click acts like a double click" setting, got used to it and changed it back to what every other desktop uses it.... annnnd would single-click to open something, and wonder why nothing was happening...
@hehemrin why not get crazy and put them in the scroll bar? On the left side!