My excitement for Mastodon isn't really for Mastodon, its for #ActivityPub and the #OpenWeb.
The web is a tool for human connection that has been hi-jacked by corporations. We've traded our attention for convenience and it feels like the pendulum is starting to swing the other way.
@ThePaulMcBride By the way, I have re-started/remembered/discovered that rss/atom is smart. I have restarted this year to use rss for a couple of blogs and also some other sites. It also substitutes some e-mail subscriptions. I mean, not instead of your excitement for ActivityPub (which I want to explore more, I looked at the photo part earlier this year), but in addition.
@ThePaulMcBride Thanks for tip. I haven’t used any advanced, plus for now i have been satisfied to use on computer only. I have used QuiteRSS for a while. But last days I switched over to Thunderbird as I finally returned to Thunderbird as mail client, their RSS seems to work well (but of course no sync or other type of device).