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I have to observe that the stakeholders who only sent a lawyer to this messaging interoperability workshop are clearly indicating their intent by doing so. The people who want to make it work sent people to talk about solutions.

Meta speaker is a lawyer who has just spent his full slot pouring cold water on any approach to messaging #interoperability on every imaginable ground and dismissing all the existing entities running client=side bridges (e.g. iMessage and Matrix).

Matrix speaker @matthew not only explains the four architectures for messaging #interoperability and then demonstrates one of them bridging WhatsApp and Google Chat via #matrix

Meta speaker next up "is new to all this" and just reads a prpepared statement.

I wonder what the problem is going to be.... ?

I asked what ability the DMA art 7 offers citizens who run their own messaging servers access to interoperability. Most speakers were confused by the idea of "users with servers" but EDRi's @ilumium noted that there is no minimum size of enterprise entitled to interoperability and it will be a matter of enforcement by @EU_Commission to ensure they are not blocked by gatekeeper bureacracy.

EDRi speaker @ilumium a breath of fresh air explaining the problems blocking messaging interoperability are not a lack of technology or standards but a lack of will by the gatekeeper platforms. Now showing UI mockups of how to do it.

Wiki Unblocked is also built by using the process, independently confirming that the binary APK shipped on matched the source code.

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Seeing the utopia that is promised just around the corner with AGI @clarkesworld closing submissions because of inundation by "AI" generated submissions. Feels like a DDOS attack.

Predictive policing programmes has increasingly been touted as the next frontier in tech-enhanced policing, yet their use by police forces across the globe lacks transparency, a clear legal basis, oversight or remedies.

Basically, a black box.

4️⃣ Freedoms explained in under 3️⃣ minutes. #FreeSoftware guarantees you the freedoms to use, study, share, and improve the software.
These rights help support other fundamental freedoms like freedom of speech, press, and privacy.👏

Find it in German🇩🇪, Italian 🇮🇹, Spanish 🇪🇸, Dutch, French 🇫🇷 and in English 🇬🇧:

We’ve joined the American Library Association, Association of Research Libraries & other library organizations in asking the US Supreme Court to preserve library rights online. Read more at

Check out FSFE volunteer Luca Bonissi's talk at @fosdem, where he will talk about his experience and other cases regarding the refund of pre-installed software and the right to install any software on any device.
⏰ 11:00h.
📌Room UB5.132

#freesoftware #fosdem

And finally, we are here 👏‼
Come to our booth to get some great swag 👕 and to learn about our campaigns & events!
📍We are in building K level 1. Group A- Community advocacy, 5. #FOSDEM2023 #SotfwareFreedom #FreeSoftware

@fdroidorg @guardianproject @eighthave gives opportunity to the free software community to release and distribute apps into this pilot - European Commission will open tenders on the website to help deliver on these goals of alternative open app stores #fosdem

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And now @eighthave discusses what it takes to actually publish your mobile apps as free software on four freedom compliant app stores that respect and build trust with your users #fosdem

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New paper finds supposedly "open #standard" is impossible to implement as #OpenSource.
"We find that it is impossible to obtain licences from patent holders that would allow for implementation and use of the standard in open source software. The paper illuminates significant challenges related to conditions for use of the standard under (F)RAND terms and identifies that references to the standard in public procurement projects lead to anti-competitive effects."

Vom 1. Februar 2023 bis zum 31. März 2023 könnt ihr eure Projektidee einreichen. Zur Bewerbung beantwortet ihr 8 Fragen und schon seid ihr dabei. Das Formular findet ihr hier:

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The F-droid app is undergoing major changes: Faster and smaller updates thanks to a new repository format.

For this, we needed to change the entire app database. To ensure that there are no regression we need your help: Please install the latest alpha version of F-Droid 1.16 and report anything unusual.

At , @marcel_kolaja will present the pilot project to look into open-sourcing the EU's apps and publishing them outside of including on @fdroidorg. @eighthave will join, talking about how F-Droid will help pull the EU towards . Join us!

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