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I'm starting work on the "Popularity Contest" idea for @fdroidorg that will provide statistics on app usage as part of @guardianproject's project, follow progress at

Sooo this corona warn app seems to work without play service code now, thanks to @larma ! 🎉

Currently you'll have to self-build and it only works in debug mode, but it seems to work.

WiP build instructions here:

Thanks to #FreeSoftware developers, the German #CoronaWarnApp for tracing #COVID19 risk contacts is available on @fdroidorg without any Google dependencies. This not only fosters software freedom, but also sets the ground for innovative features.

#microg #cctg

If you teach digital security, inclusive education is a helpful topic to check out. Learn how to meaningfully incorporate all levels of learners with different needs and disabilities in the same room. Read a short introduction here

2020 is a year in that many public administrations announced they plan to follow our road to software freedom. Read about our successess and about the state of #FreeSoftware in #European #Public #Policies in our yearly report:

and then support our work by becoming a supporter so we can keep up the good work!

Universities should strike any app mandates from their existing student commitments, and should pledge to not include them in future student commitments.

's is well known for providing access to digital media where there is no Internet. It should also be recognized for a system with decentralized, built-in, human-powered curation. Thanks @SujathaTF for highlighting that.

Starting this week, I want to try something new in the weekly meeting slot (Thursdays @ 11:30 UTC): I'll have "office hours" so anyone can come and ask any question, either via the regular chat channels, or realtime voice in

your "Data Protection Choices" screen is really disingenuous. The "Decline" button does not take you to the article even!

"Adtech's bogeymen are tracking everything - even your web visits to mental health charities, claim campaigners... So says Pro Privacy after automatedly gazing at 82,000 sites"

Political campaigns are increasingly digital and are becoming increasingly reliant on data exploitation.

Join this event on 22/09 to hear from @elsamnews on how is social media is used in political campaignign in Indonesia & what the rules of the game are, if any.

We oppose giving police officers access to any COVID-19 public health data, including the addresses of people who tested positive

You should follow Distributed Denial of Secrets on here. They've been draconianly suspended from Twitter for publishing BlueLeaks, an 270gb archive of leaked police documents @ddosecrets

After months of work, we have a new stable release series! This series improves our guard selection algorithms, adds v3 onion balance support, improves the amount of code that can be disabled when running without relay support, and small bug fixes.

We'd quickly like to explain why we have to build the DDoS mitigation ourselves, how the progress is so far, and what you can expect as next steps. While improving anti DDoS measures, you'll be happy to know that we've also much reduced loading time. Thank you very much for your continuous support! 🙂 F-Droid is mainly focused on free ROMs where it is built in, like CalyxOS, Replicant, Lineage-for-MicoG, etc. As long as the source is free, F-Droid will never be blocked. As for Google devices, F-Droid has never been allowed in Google Play. And actually consults us when they make breaking changes to third party app stores in their version of AOSP.

On the occassion of german reports of exploits against #whatsapp Web ... you can use Delta Chat Desktop app without any dependency on a mobile phone. And a second independent security review is currently ongoing.

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Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

Stay safe. Please abide by our code of conduct.

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image/svg+xml Librem Chat image/svg+xml