It is important to understand that the personal data you give to a company becomes their "property". Even if a company that currently runs a service keeps the data private, it can be put up for sale. The new owners are then free to operate differently, especially when there is no GDPR like in the US.
@guardianproject said differently: don't trust the practices of companies. Trust zero knowledge encryption and companies that allow you yourself to own the data they sell you.
I keep saying, don't trust corporations and people keep doing the same thing but I'm the crazy one.
@guardianproject exactly! I say a lot that it's nice that for example Steam claims they'll always give you access to their games, but as soon as GabeN is no more, all this might change. The new owner just would need to take Valve public and shit would hit the fan.
On the other hand companies like GoG or Itch offer drm free downloads of their games, so I don't need to trust them and if they change their business, I can take mine somewhere else and still have the things I bought from them.