I think the #Switch2 joycons are going to have the ability to work as mice, maybe as a replacement for the touchscreen when the switch is docked.
Have it control an OS-level mouse cursor to emulate the touchscreen and adoption of this feature could be a breeze, and maybe even backwards-compatible with Switch 1 games!
Design note: since the right joycon has its joystick lower than the left joycon's joystick, its buttons (ABXY) are well-placed for a mouse.
@golemwire Great observation. But my biggest concern is: will they actually be comfortable to use in this way?
@golemwire it’s hard for me to imagine using the joycon as a mouse, it doesn’t seem comfortable to use as a mouse based on the sensors location
Well -- well-placed enough for a joy-con as a mouse.
Also, note what appears to be an optical sensor in the Switch 2 joycons in that picture.