Nothing - NOTHING - will ever surpass the glorious days of the Smash Bros. Ultimate DLC reveals!

Joker, Hero, Banjo-Kazooie, Terry, Byleth, Min Min, Sephiroth, Pyra/Mythra, Kazuya and Sora - what an emotional ride it was!

Sakurai truly outdid himself! I don't believe there be another game like Smash Bros. Ultimate ever again.

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@ronak Seriously, the character trailers were amazing for Smash Ultimate in general, even before the DLC! Ridley, Simon/Richter, K Rool… so many amazing announcements and reveals there too.

@CM30 Yes, they were all very well-directed. Did Sakurai direct these trailers himself?


@ronak @CM30 Given his strong work ethic and other abilities, I wouldn't be surprised at all.
I know he drew the storyboards for the Smash Melee video. He may have done it for the Ultimate DLC.

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