Wow, the situation with *is* pretty bad.
Just see the screenshots, they are treating the community poorly.
I was even blocked sometime earlier for being upset about the softcore(?) pornography they posted earlier.
Ok, wow. That was worse than I thought. Some people were actually kind and rational, and the "person" acted like a total prat. :(
I hadn't seen those interactions before, just mainly the screaming ACAB ones.
@RL_Dane I mean Raspberry_Pi does like to delete people's replies when they dissent. (I would know.)
Really? Happened to you before today? Man, what did you say that they could possibly stake umbrage at??
@RL_Dane I think this was my only reply:
The second/last post in the chain is mostly uppercase though....
@RL_Dane (Ack also -- "@jessmahler Click the link for more photos and find them on Instagram for *video*" ugh they dared to )
Ugh. That's just beyond the pale.