gojira boosted

I think it’s important to repeat: you don't "have something to hide" when you put blinds on your windows or close the door when you're on the can or wear clothes.

Privacy isn't about having something to hide. It's not about keeping secrets. It's about you being the person who chooses what you reveal about yourself, and when, and to who, and the other word we have for that is "dignity". Your inherent dignity, as a human being.

Your privacy is the agency you have over your dignity.

gojira boosted

I've seen a lot of people rightfully discussing the privacy implications of Windows Recall but not as many mention that this "feature" is going to lead to people unintentionally breaking NDAs when their Recall data gets leaked from a malware.

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Nothing more batshit than #software (like #Teams, for example) popping up notifications that you could 'Host a webinar!' and making you click "Maybe Later" instead of "The fuck is this?!".

I need a response dialogue like "I never want to hear a single thing out of you ever again. I am forced to use this godawful software for my job. Do not limit my response to polite noncommittal declination. If I could burn your binary I would."

#software #enshittification

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gojira boosted

Debian Users - Be aware the maintainer of the KeePassXC package for Debian has unilaterally decided to remove ALL features from it. You will need to switch to `keepassxc-full` to maintain capabilities once this lands outside of testing/sid.

gojira boosted

If any of you are aspiring product developers and you contact me or anyone else, please do not suggest a paid review. If you are being paid directly by the company it is an ad not a review, I'm not against doing an ad but don't expect me to call it a review

gojira boosted

Hi Fedi,

Just got laid off a month after buying our first house because the company is "right-sizing" its staff.

We have moved to a small town in NC hoping for better life, thinking our jobs will last us years. Now we're panicking, as jobs here are scarce.

If anyone knows of any remote US opportunities for a generalist (can do basic coding, web design, BFA in graphic design, but spent last couple years with data analysis/entry for a remote office) do let me know.

Boosts appreciated ❤️

gojira boosted

In Japan – the Fukui Prefectural Police Echizen Police Station have created the "Virus/Trojan horse removal fee payment card" and the "Unpaid charges/delinquent charges payment card".

The fake cards, designed to combat telephone scammers, are positioned intentionally at convenience stores to assist police at identifying victims and safeguarding them from financial harm. When someone tries to purchase the card the police are immediately notified.

Upon placement in stores in November 2023, it immediately stopped 3 elderly people from being scammed in November and December.

No additional information has been released regarding the success rate. However, the police officers who came up with the idea were given a promotion in February, 2024.

Information via @topilaron, @ten_forward, and @fukuinpmedia

gojira boosted

There are 3 new package and ISO mirrors available for Sparkers in USA and Asia, thanks to Astian, Inc. sparkylinux.org/new-mirrors-in #linux #sparkylinux

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We fucked up, the internet was supposed to be a fun weird thing with hamsters dancing and now it’s a thing where you pay bills and your boss spies on you

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I sometimes wonder why automated phone systems bother to ask me for ID or case numbers for authentication, when the moment I am authenticated and move on to a human, they spend the next couple minutes reauthenticating me.

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Handy #LibreOffice Calc tip! Press Ctrl+; to insert the current date, or Shift+Ctrl+; for the current time. Want a date and time that's always updating? Use the =NOW() function. help.libreoffice.org/latest/en #foss #opensource

gojira boosted

The web is dead to me. Managed to keep the thousands of ads at bay for years but now the "consent" and newsletter popups and the non existence of "reject" button, instead several misleading steps to just look at a paragraph or two of text doesn't seem worth my time.

And even if I jump through the artificial hoops, there's no guarantee that a human wrote the text

Either I'll build agents to fetch the data I need or I'm not engaging. The concept of www is no longer fit for humans as consumers.

gojira boosted

Windows users seem to have 2 states of being:

1. Windows is the only useful operating system, I don't like or dislike it, I just use it

2. Why does Microsoft keep making Windows worse, why do we keep seeing more and more ads

Is there anybody that actually likes Windows

gojira boosted

Please be reminded that anything I boost does not mean I endorse the post. It just means that I find it entertaining and I think you would too.

So if I boost some sussy, unhinged shit, that does NOT mean I agree with OP

i.e lolicons being down bad, shit takes, etc.

I genuinely cannot believe I have to post this.

gojira boosted

Firefox developers are working on a new 'translate selected text' feature for a future release, meaning you won't need to translate entire web pages omgubuntu.co.uk/2024/04/firefo

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gojira boosted

Hmm, I'm beginning to see the issue here with one way Federation from Threads.

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I should do a video on how Ubuntu killed the commercial desktop distro

gojira boosted

are people already familiar with this story about hard-boiled eggs or did i just stumble upon an absolute gem of a cautionary tale about algorithmic perfection? (annals of the history of computing, january 1983, volume 5, issue 1)

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