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From heaven God looks out on humans, to see if any are wise and care for God.
But all have turned bad, the taint is on all; not one does good, no, not one.


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Q: Why do [web developers] do [stupid] things?

A: Because [somebody less informed] pays them to do it.

something tells me this is also the case in other industries...

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@madchuck @Mummabear
My conspiracy free reasons for not getting the vax, if someone asks:

Haven’t been offered one yet.

Provisional emergency FDA approval sounds like a clinical trial. I don’t participate in clinical trials.

The scientific experts keep changing the recommendations and tend to equivocate. I’m not convinced that they know what they are doing.

The Mandalorian was great because Jon Favreau kept it from being ultra-woke and focused instead on good storytelling. Now Disney has gone against his stand to announce there are "no plans for [employing ]".

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Sing, O People of God

Sing, O people of God!
His glory’s in the cloud;
Your sins thrown in the deepest sea,
He gave you purity.

Sing and shout for joy,
Return to God and know
His grace and goodness know no end;
And all your prayers ascend.

Life in Christ is yours,
From flowing grace he pours
All blessing into your open heart;
In love you’ve been redeemed.

#smallpoems #poetry

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Sen. Rand Paul:

"No Democrat will honestly ask whether Bernie Sanders incited the shooter that nearly killed Steve Scalise."

"No Democrat will ask whether Maxine Waters incited violence when she literally told her supporters" to confront Trump officials in public.

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Just deactivated two more Twitter accounts. I have several for each of our websites.

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@progo I know that it would be a big risk to install KDE/Qt on my computer as I expected exactly this to happen.I only didn't expect it to happen two weeks after installing it already 😲 Let's see if KDE will make a open source fork.Well,they have to,otherwise KDE would be dead.

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Looks like Qt is over.

> The Qt Company has followed up on its plan to make long-term support releases commercial-only by closing the source for 5.15 today, earning protests from open-source contributors who say that the 6.0 release, which remains open, is not yet usable.

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I updated a devotional thought.

> Now, this is what the Lord says,
the one who created you, O Jacob, and formed you, O Israel: “Don’t be afraid, for I will protect you. I call you by name, you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I am with you; when you pass through the streams, they will not overwhelm you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not harm you. Isaiah 43.1-2 NET.

Listen carefully, O children of faith, to the voice of the Lord. For He has paid the price to free you. He brought you to where you could receive such a great salvation! Through fire, famine, and flood—through all earthly perils—the Lord is with you, protecting and sustaining you. Know this and be comforted!

The original is here:

#devotional #salvation #Isaiah

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My cashiers have decided to refuse service to anyone who complains about other customers who are not wearing masks.

How quickly does the virtue signalling (or is it raw fear implanted by the MSM) devolve into threats of crime, such as:

- Well then I'm just going to steal this!
- Well then I'm going to kick your ass!
- Well then I'm not going to leave private property!
- Etc.


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Decided to change picture and update bio, so i'll look a little more rock-like, and less of an egg.

I say "only in California", but I've heard there are other places in the world where this has already become the norm.

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ERR: 0CK5 boosted

Twice a week I go grocery shopping at a well known grocery chain. Since December 1st in The Netherlands face diapers have become mandatory in public area's including shops. I have never worn one while shopping and I still refuse to do so at the risk of a €95 fine. The employees of the shop are no problem. None have said a word about it yet. While other people look at me like I am a criminal, I look around for other non mask wearers. So far I have not seen one. All these sheep sadden me 😟

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