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Any external sources to verify your testimony? (I'd like to think my votes on online polls are made with some care)

ERR: 0CK5 boosted

Dave Rubin (Rumble) explains the genesis of the Joe Rogan buyout offer. Big company meeting with much food and drink, and talking non-stop about Rogan. Rubin stands up, stumbles, regains his balance, and declares "guys! we should BUY Joe Rogan!"

"Dude! Can we do that? … The lawyer and the accountant says we can try. Let's do it!"

4 minutes

If adobe wanted to port photoshop to linux, they'd make it open source, so that interested members of the community from various distros would do the work. (If it's actually worth the work.)

Though admiral ackbar's famous quote only works for trekkies.

It wants to make love to that mountain (where the mountain is docker compose).

Everyone has an angle. "In real life" is the best place, in my opinion, because talking to someone has a higher cost of (than bulk-sending to promote your multi-level-marketing plan).

Where I live, there were many months where IRL gatherings had higher quality interactions (those with regressive political leanings self-excluding).

ERR: 0CK5 boosted

A lot of people getting excited about "free" home tests. ("free" in this case means you pay for it through taxes).

I don't even care if they leave a box of tests on my doorstep. They'd go right in the bin. I refuse to be a willing participant in their farce.

More testing => more false positives => more "cases" => more lockdowns and mandates. JUST SAY NO.

Disappointing... they used to be among the good guys. Seems like ever more and more gaming (minus some indie titles) goes against software freedom.

"This trains people not to update, 'coz stuff might break"

Don't update stuff, unless you've already audited the changes.

Feeding of the 5000
feeding of the 4000
After these, the baskets are with them in the boat.
moses' adoption
Ruth threshing grain
"One does not light a lamp and put it under a basket"

ERR: 0CK5 boosted

Renaming “masters degrees” to “main degrees”

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Mt. Sinai, mt. carmel, mt. of olives, mt. of transfiguration, temple mt., mt. moriah, mt. Arrarat, ...
Mt from the sermon on the mt
Was golgatha a mountain?
Mountain in the region where Abraham bound Isaac

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