Das @bmbf_bund nennt sich #Chancenministerium, während es gleichzeitig Projekte streicht und Wissenschaftlern damit die #Chance nimmt, ihre #Arbeit zu machen....
#VegaC Save Lift-Off! We are in Space now.
Good luck, #VegaC on your maiden flight!
The EU Commission is planning automatic CSAM scanning of your private communication – or total surveillance in the name of child protection. This would be the worst surveillance apparatus outside of China:
#Fight4Privacy #No2Backdoors
In the intro of the #zdfmagazin, the twitter-birds flying around Jan Böhmermann were replaced by mastodon logos! #toottoot
CPU/RAM/SSD upgrades and shipping prices have been reduced, for laptops sold on https://minifree.org
These are secure laptops with osboot, based on coreboot, replacing proprietary UEFI firmware. Your choice of *encrypted* Debian, other Linux or OpenBSD/FreeBSD installation.
Even thought I am quite late with it: #ilovefs #ILoveFreeSoftware:
I would like to thank @codeberg@mastodon.technology and @gitea for giving a free home to so many free software projects.
I also would like to thank the developers of #GNU #nano for developing the best editor existing. It's so small and runs everywhere!
I also want to thank @nextcloud for keeping my data and my communications save.
Last but not least: Thank you, @purism, for developing great free drivers for giving us #pureos.
sau geil
wenn bei @codeberg die nutzungsbedingungen aktualisiert werden bekommt man ein diff zugeschickt wo man die diskussionen nachvollziehen kann
What is freedom 0? The freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose. Boost this post if you LOVE this freedom! #ilovefs
You should own and control the master keys to encrypt all data and communication. This is we built Librem 14 laptop, and it will arrive within 10 business days from the day of your order: https://shop.puri.sm/shop/librem-14/
Hello everyone! I am new here! If you want to find out more about me, please visit https://four-m.de. #fourM
@fsfstatus Is https://forum.members.fsf.org down? I get an 502 #HTTP error.
Computer Science Student at @uniinsbruck@wisscom.social
I have #ADD.