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Mirko Adam boosted

@bahnkundenv Per Excel-Datei? Ernsthaft?! Sollte man da nicht besser eine Datenbank mit Webformular verwenden? Das kann man sehr schnell einrichten und funktioniert besser. They essentially want to ban .

@AirmindedAI Try to talk about many different libraries (like GNU MPL and GSL), then you get crazy results. really likes to invent non-existing functions. A lot of them!

@davidofyork @EU_Commission I would be happy if someone could automate this and make sweeps of thousands of websites. @c_lindner @bmf Mehr Finanzmittel für software bereitstellen. Am besten einen Multi-Milliarden-Euro-Fördertopf (für 10 Jahre oder so) bereistellen. So wird Innovation gefördert und eine sichere Softwareinfrastruktur Made in Europe geschaffen.

@Cfish I absolutely agree with you here! I personally think that the US law enforcement system (this includes more than just police) is terrible.I recommend reading this study of brookings about what could be made better. It was made following the death of George Floyd. A law enforcement system as it is envisioned in this study would be great. See here:

@evan I try to travel by train, if possible. But in many instances, e.g. when I want to go to rural areas with bad or no public transport, or during the height of the pandemic, I use the car instead.

@klimareporter Ich glaube kann sich der Mensch natürlich auch an eine vier Grad wärmere Umgebung anpassen, wir würden vermutich auch bei einem Atomkrieg nicht aussterben. Trotzdem ist beides nichts, was ich erleben will, beides würde für Millionen, wenn nicht Milliarden Menschen tödlich enden und der Rest würde schreckliche Zeiten erleben. Und daher finde ich es, auch wenn wir uns "anpassen" können, in keinster Weise Alarmismus, wenn wir den Klimawandel so darstellen, wie die Forschung es tut.

@purism A brilliant example of planned obsolence can be found in Germany, costing the public health insurance contributors hundreds of millions of euros:

@padeluun Immer wenn ich soetwas sehe, fängt eine Stimme in meinem Kopf "Warum härt der Fahrradweg einfach hier auf" von @janboehm zu singen an.

Mirko Adam boosted

@captainfutura der Chem Özdemir radelte auch geschwind nach seiner Vereidigung warum ist der nicht VERKEHRSMINISTER? #fdpmachtkrankundarm

Mirko Adam boosted

and the brain-genius typed "no one would do anything without a profit motive!" and hit send on a button rendered by an open source front end framework firing off an event handled by an open source programming language that sends a packet in a format conforming to an open specification over a protocol developed at universities with public funding until it reaches a web server running an open source operating system that files the hot take away into an open source database for safe keeping

@Cfish @chadloder Police enforces the power of the state. And yes, there is a need for this, IMHO Otherwise, local units with power (often times with bad intentions) take over. This may lead to chaos.
Of course, the police is only a weapon of last resort and can on its own not end crime, there are other agencies and assocations that have to help. One example would be a good social security system, children support offices and stuff.

@gavinisdie @chadloder While I agree that the police uses its weapons too often, I would say that there are cases, where the lack of weapons makes things more dangerous. As examples, I would like to give two historical instances where the intelligent use of weapons (and a wiser police in general) would have saved lives: The munich massacre of 1972 ( and the Gladbeck Hostage Crisis (

Mirko Adam boosted

U.S. border officials copy the contents of up to 10,000 phones and computers every year and save them to a big database for 15 years, as we first reported in September:

Following pressure from Sen. Wyden, the agency, CBP, now says it's considering shrinking that 15-year save time and plans to give people more details about what they're doing:

@Netzausbau @BNetzA im . Stromnetzausbau ist ein wichtiges Thema, das wir in Bayern leider verschlafen haben. Um so besser, dass es euch gibt.

@GermanyUN Let's combat the before it makes space travel (nearly) impossible!

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