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@vaweisman @voice_of_reason On the other hand, jokes and especially humour in general is a very important coping mechanism for us humans. Actually, jokes brought the people freedom: The French & the German Revolution were the times when many jokes were invented, the Nazis did try to eliminate comedians, as they saw a danger in them. Even Plato knew about the power of jokes, as jokes take the power away from the people with power.

@emma I recommend reading the papers about the legal aspect of GitHub Copilot published by the @fsf.

@vaweisman @voice_of_reason You can make wonderful jokes about someone without attacking them. You can put valid criticism in jokes. That's the job of satirist.

Crematoria & gas chambers 

@heiseonline Schon wieder Kobalt! Wo zur Hölle sollen wir das ganze Zeug hernehmen?

@metapianycist I warn you, if you want to implement the Human Interface, this is a lot of work.

@rsprovost @conradhackett We are a lot, but not railway capital. Our railway system is rubbish! Switzerland is much better, as well as Japan or even Austria. Yours, a German

Mirko Adam boosted

Was reminded of this during a #Microsoft event this morning. Still great.

Mirko Adam boosted

Might as well talk about the most motivated troll I came across on the Fediverse.

First bad interaction, I blocked him.

He came back on another instance.

I blocked that.

Then he said, "I can keep doing this, I have hundreds of accounts."

"Fine," I replied—so I looked up every variation of his username on all instances I could find and blocked them. There were indeed hundreds.

He came back, and seriously requested, "Can you stop doing that? It's costing me a fortune in server costs!"


Show thread @fsf Basically, of you give it to someone, they (whoever they are) must get the very same rights as you enjoy. That's all. And that's a fair deal.

@mamus Ganz einfach: Bis 2035 gehen aufgrund der Rente der Babyboomergeneration 7 Millionen Arbeitskräfte verloren. Das ist ein siebtel des Arbeitsmarkts.

Schon jetzt sind 1.7 Millionen stelllen offen:

@mamus Na ja, aber wir haben doch sowieso zu wenige Arbeiter. Und irgendwer muss die Jobs ja machen.

@bmf Was heißt "Privater Charakter"? Heißt das, dass es Firmen und Privatleute zahlen oder nicht?

@mamus Warum sollte sich durch Zuwanderung der Lohn verringern?

@muckel @tazgetroete Zumindest das mit dem Aufklären durch Ärtze wurde vom Bundestag gekippt. It's a thing launched by the German comedian @janboehm. Each week, there is a different hashtag for his show, the . This time, the show was about hate against trans-people. It originates from a joke about trans-exclusionary-feminists (TERFS).

@dnsprincess Drei Haselnüsse für Aschenbrödel (1973 - East Germany & Czsechslovacia).

@Dandydandy @MishaalRahman What that means to you: Don't trust apps if you are not sure where it comes from. Some apps may even seem legitimate (even to a computer, as there is a digital sign on it that tells them so). Unfortunately, these signs are like keys to enter a save box for the data of an app. That makes sense, as some apps should be able to share data. These malicious apps can access these private boxes. So, no need to worry more, just follow the general safety measures.

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