Run for your lives! The Stargoids are coming! 😬😱👾
Seen from:
The lake bridge between the Pit and the Blood Tower has been expanded to make it comfortable to ride a motorcycle across for faster adaptation to dynamic situations. =D #7DaysToDie
@louis Incredibly powerful. I use it to write "literate" API documentation that also acts as a sort of integration test.
Even blogged about it:
Loving the emacs icon in your profile! ORG mode is life! Gonna go check out your
Fellow piano player? Link any audio captures in your online presence?
I'm also a PHP alumnus, but set my inner $elephant free in 2011 to switch to saving devs from bullcrap by being their ideal agile business analyst/ product owner. Then I was a scrum master. These days I'm protecting developer sanity by being a developer relations angel. XD
Used my physical licensed copy of #WordPerfect of course! Well, almost. I have the software but I’m keeping the original 5 1/4” floppies in their sealed bag. The F keys template and manual are getting used though! 😋⌨️📖
That time I took the #FreeDOS 23rd anniversary PDF and made it #DOS accessible by recreating it as a TXT file (with search based tags for navigation), and also a #WordPerfect 5 document that preserved the PDF layout as much as I could manage. ;) (Jim Hall helped out by providing text copy used in the PDF.)
Original PDF:
I love #Macintosh #Library! Latest videos:
I bet you’ve heard of Galileo & Hubble, but what about Henrietta Swan Leavitt?
Leavitt changed astronomy. She figured out new ways to measure a star’s distance from Earth & her work helped determine the universe is expanding.
Her boss, Edward Pickering, published her findings UNDER HIS NAME. Later, Shapley used her findings to determine distances around the Milky Way w/o credit.
Leavitt’s work is still used today. So next time you hear about famous men in #science share her remarkable story.
/usr/bin/girl $ cat bio.txt
Bonjour! I love music, chocolate, gaming, and spaaaaace.
Destiny Dead Thing Hunter.
Overwatch Battle Necromancer Mercy.
I feel all these things in my ghost. 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️