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I respect the Definition of Done item defined in this story:
-All tests pass at least 3 times.

Welcome Ben! 🤗

Ariella boosted

for all the people hosting public fediverse servers — you’re doing awesome work, we love you, keep it up

Ariella boosted

Doing a bit of an experiment. Boost if you agree!

Trans rights are human rights.

Black lives matter.

No human is illegal.

Love is love.

Her body is her choice.

Science is real.

Kindness is everything.

That time when the designer phoned in their latest idea for a handbag. 😋👜

Ariella boosted

The lake bridge between the Pit and the Blood Tower has been expanded to make it comfortable to ride a motorcycle across for faster adaptation to dynamic situations. =D

Ariella boosted

@louis Incredibly powerful. I use it to write "literate" API documentation that also acts as a sort of integration test.

Even blogged about it:


Loving the emacs icon in your profile! ORG mode is life! Gonna go check out your

Fellow piano player? Link any audio captures in your online presence?

I'm also a PHP alumnus, but set my inner $elephant free in 2011 to switch to saving devs from bullcrap by being their ideal agile business analyst/ product owner. Then I was a scrum master. These days I'm protecting developer sanity by being a developer relations angel. XD

Used my physical licensed copy of of course! Well, almost. I have the software but I’m keeping the original 5 1/4” floppies in their sealed bag. The F keys template and manual are getting used though! 😋⌨️📖

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I shared a couple gorgeous sounding audio tracks in high resolution format with a friend recently.

He complained the files weren't .

You can lead a horse to water, but...

Ariella boosted

I bet you’ve heard of Galileo & Hubble, but what about Henrietta Swan Leavitt?

Leavitt changed astronomy. She figured out new ways to measure a star’s distance from Earth & her work helped determine the universe is expanding.

Her boss, Edward Pickering, published her findings UNDER HIS NAME. Later, Shapley used her findings to determine distances around the Milky Way w/o credit.

Leavitt’s work is still used today. So next time you hear about famous men in #science share her remarkable story.

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Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

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