Here is the recording of today's #GNUTaler presentation on #Privacy, #Identity, and #Payment in the #NextGenerationInternet @BFH: Innovation Tour at the #PointZeroForum. The recording includes 'The Vital Role of Protected Confirmation,' 'Live Demo: Limits of Hardware Key Protection,' and 'Protect our Financial Freedom!' by Patrick Breyer, Member of the European Parliament. #NGI #GoTaler #NGITALER:


@Taler this sounds very interesting, but is youtube (google) really an appropriate place to publish that?

IMO, for anything related to you should avoid google. Involving google hurts your credibility.

I would like to watch that recording but not at the price of going to a google site and accepting their terms and whatever. I don't like google, I don't want google's tracking.

Can your recording be found somewhere else, or is youtube (google) the only place?

Maybe use ?

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