Say hello to Europe's six new AI Factories:

🇦🇹 AI:AT
🇧🇬 BRAIN++
🇫🇷 AI2F

They will empower startup, small and medium companies to develop AI models using Europe's supercomputing power, data, and talent.

With €485 million in investments, they are part of the EU's AI leadership strategy.

Europe is investing €200 billion for AI development – to empower your talent.

Read more:!F6KGPG


@EUCommission Wow. This comment section clearly shows that 99% of #EU citizens knowledge about AI is close to zero.

Human level AGI is coming in 2026. Now AI is 15-30% of human. Next year 2026 it will be 100% of human. And probably some 300% in 2027.

If not EU AI then US or Chinese...

Humans can compete with AI same way humans can compete against F1 cars.

When cars came people thought they would never be as good as horses.

Do u still ride to work? With a horse?


@Tapioseta @EUCommission I somewhat agree but I wouldn't be that optimistic about the timeline.

The current neural network bubble is like the dotcom bubble. Overrated, overinvested, will pop soon. At the same time, neural networks are a great technology that has many valid uses. The dotcom bubble popped but you still use the internet, right? The same will happen to AI.

@elgregor @EUCommission

Could be and I really hope so.

But hope - will only get us so far.

Preparing for worst have saved us (Finns) many times.

So my source here is a bit vague. A podcast. Still that aint my only source.

Airplanes were hype. Untill mass bombings of ww2. Tanks were hype. Untill mass manouvers of ww2. Atomic bomb was hype. Untill Hiroshima.

Really hope that AI is hype. Before Europe experience AI "Hiroshima".

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