🤬 The EU is discussing the possibility of resuming Russian gas supplies as part of a peace settlement in Ukraine, reports FT. Some German & Hungarian officials back the idea, hoping to cut gas prices & push Russia to talks. But Brussels & Eastern European diplomats are outraged.


@noelreports Can't read behind the paywalls, do they mention which German politicians want to resume Russian gas inports aside of the known vatniks of AfD and BSW?

there are no names, just vague hints as "people said who are familiar with the matter"

Nothing serious at this point. I think this is more of a Russian desire than European.


@hajovonta @noelreports Ok, so not even mentioning just the usual suspects, but just rumors.

Just to clarify: I expect that the German industry also wants to import Russian gas ASAP. And make us forget why we should be cautious with Russia, to the point of repeating follies like Nordstream.

@urwumpe @hajovonta @noelreports archive link: archive.is/RSpvg

Fucking hell.

At least there's a counter-quote in the article:

“It’s madness,” said one of the officials. “How stupid could we be to even think about that as an option?”


@hajovonta @skolima @urwumpe @noelreports It is stupid too because it would both increase dependence on a hostile state and fund its rearmament.

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