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@earthshine the problem isn't capitalism, it's the lack of something better. As someone that lives in one of the most developed countries in the world; the shortcomings of capitalism is easily made up for. My life is made much better by systems that aren't capitalistic.

@earthshine before capitalism mate. The idea of human rights was invented after capitalism was wide spread. The time when the right of kings ruled their was no room for a non-productive underclass.

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@realn2s the failure to get the office of budget responsibility to sign of was the whole cause of the Liz Truss crisis.

@thebrand @AnarchoNinaWrites @justafrog I have been thinking for awhile if I should clarify further but we seem to be in agreement that I made a mistake. So, we can probably leave it.

I have a lot of thoughts about what happened here but I should probably let them settle before I elaborate to much.

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@AnarchoNinaWrites @thebrand @justafrog I sometimes forget that my particular mix of neuro divergence, dyslexia, and upbringing leads to an often difficult to parse phraseology.

@AnarchoNinaWrites @thebrand @justafrog I sometimes forget that my particular mix of neuro divergence, dyslexia, and upbringing leads to an often difficult to parse phraseology.

@AnarchoNinaWrites @thebrand @justafrog Yeah, messed up the punctuation on that one. And I do agree with the quote, the meaning is of course tide to the context it was said (Ukrainian war propaganda). Bigger mistake is probably paraphrasing a obscure quote in the first place. Sometimes legibility can be allowed take a hit for other needs, a better balance would probably have been valued in this case.

@AnarchoNinaWrites @thebrand @justafrog oh, it's a quote. It's away of saying that you can always find fault with the defender, if you want to.

@AnarchoNinaWrites fascist belive they can gain power by bullying, letting them get away with it is the best way to reinforce that idea in their head.

@realn2s the failure to get the office of budget responsibility to sign of was the whole cause of the Liz Truss crisis.

@realn2s labour is actually quite open about breaking with the disastrous past of austerity, they are however facing a tough financing position. The fundamental problem of financing a country is that you must present your policies in an way that is perceived as credible to foreign finansieras, that's why they have to wait until the budget statement this autumn and get the office of budget responsibility to sign of.

@realn2s yeah Argentina is an interesting exempel. I was specifically talking about the leaders in the field of economics, not politician and policymakers. Policy is reliable well behind subject matter expert, except when subject matter expert makes policy.

@suqdiq @BM_Visser @albertcardona I usually monitor, slightly different coverage area. Unfortunately hasn't updated their charts since 2017?

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@maggiejk @samohTmaS @covid_stats I don't know if they still test the sewage water, but that is a common and effective way to estimate population level infection.

@maggiejk @samohTmaS @covid_stats I don't know if they still test the sewage water, but that is a common and effective way to estimate population level infection.

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@impactology @scienceforthepeople tragedy of the common can only be observed when their exist a barrier to corporation, like when Nepal band the communal management of the forest and lost large part of it.

@impactology @scienceforthepeople tragedy of the common can only be observed when their exist a barrier to corporation, like when Nepal band the communal management of the forest and lost large part of it.

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@mekkaokereke this is what people miss about DEI/EGS, it's literally an investment in a more palatable organisation.

@mekkaokereke this is what people miss about DEI/EGS, it's literally an investment in a more palatable organisation.

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