Brey, "finding common ground" with fucking nazis is how you ended up here in the first place. Finding common ground is why they're rioting now. The goal is to hijack your peaceful nature and threaten you into compliance; that's WHY they march in the streets and do violence. You gonna "find common ground" right into a fucking nightmare if you're not careful.

There's a reason the whole hep half world decided the only way to deal with Nazis in the 1940's was tank divisions and organized violence.

You are not magically smarter than people who've been opposing fascists their whole goddamn lives. You are not smarter than your great grandparents who tried hugging it out with fascists long enough to see them spread across Europe before finally accepting "you know what? I don't think these guys are coming around."

You have no fucking idea what you're talking about; fascists must be opposed - it's easy when they're small, but you waited too long already and now they're big enough to do riots.

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@AnarchoNinaWrites fascist belive they can gain power by bullying, letting them get away with it is the best way to reinforce that idea in their head.

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