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Everyone that understands this, predicted Twitter's revenue drop and valuation drop well in advance. ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿฟโ€โ™‚๏ธ

If you drive away the people that create disproportionate amounts of fun, engaging content (Women, Black folk, young folk, LGBTQIA), then engagement will go down.

If you increase the people who create politically divisive content (yes, this is a euphemism for racist and transphobic content) then you will also drive away advertisers.

What does this have to do with Mastodon?


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@karolherbst It said that progress occurs one death at a time. These is why experts are so important, if you don't live and breath these things it's much easier to continue to belive what you already do. Especially if you are financially well off; it has worked fine for *me* all this time, why change it now?

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@ShadowJonathan @realn2s yeah, absolutely. It just that anyone that start their campaign now, and hire competent people, will be told beyond all doubt that neoliberalism is dead.

Imagine a world leader on a neoliberal campaign is as crazy to me as having one run on replacing NASA with astrologist.

@ShadowJonathan @realn2s yeah, absolutely. It just that anyone that start their campaign now, and hire competent people, will be told beyond all doubt that neoliberalism is dead.

Imagine a world leader on a neoliberal campaign is as crazy to me as having one run on replacing NASA with astrologist.

@karolherbst It said that progress occurs one death at a time. These is why experts are so important, if you don't live and breath these things it's much easier to continue to belive what you already do. Especially if you are financially well off; it has worked fine for *me* all this time, why change it now?

@realn2s @ShadowJonathan to be fair it's propaganda.

Have you read anything directly from these institution in awhile?, the change over started after 2008 financial crisis, but it's not fully formed yet. But you can clearly read a much more considerate approach these days, a huge change in how they think has occurred. Barack Obama was the last major neoliberal world leader. Unless you count Merkel or Putin. I guess Macron could be seen as neoliberal as well.

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War, Russia, and propaganda 

War, Russia, and propaganda 

War, Russia, and propaganda 

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@ShadowJonathan The international financial community, The world bank, IMF, G7, and IBS, has all moved passed these outdated ideas. Some notebale holdouts are The UK (until labour took over), and Russia. Other then that it's mostly soggy old professors that setup their teaching plan in the 80's.

@ShadowJonathan sorry to say it, but it seems like our mutual friend @Patricia is trapped in an outdated idea about economics, kept alive by Russian propaganda. Everything changed after the 2008 financial crisis, when the last holdouts of neoliberalism was discredited.

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@karolherbst people can't afford food, they aren't doing well.

Russian propaganda is designed to look organic, don't be fooled.

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@karolherbst A Recommendation

Ryan McBeth @ YouTube has done excellent things about russian propaganda.

@karolherbst A Recommendation

Ryan McBeth @ YouTube has done excellent things about russian propaganda.

@karolherbst people can't afford food, they aren't doing well.

Russian propaganda is designed to look organic, don't be fooled.


@karolherbst I have responded otherwise in this thread that in my opinion it's mostly down to Russian propaganda. It's in Russian intresset to keep neoliberalism alive.

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