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War, Russia, and propaganda 

War, Russia, and propaganda 

Zoe boosted

@Patricia Economics as you know it is. After the 2008 financial crisis actors like The World Bank, IMF, and IBS riped up the textbooks and started anew. Thats why I was malding so hard the other day when you were talking shit about the IMF, they have completely change their tune since the incidents you recalled.

@Patricia Economics as you know it is. After the 2008 financial crisis actors like The World Bank, IMF, and IBS riped up the textbooks and started anew. Thats why I was malding so hard the other day when you were talking shit about the IMF, they have completely change their tune since the incidents you recalled.

@Patricia some pointers, Behavioural Economics disputes the idea of "rational actors", Morden Monetary Theory disputes the rational for austerity, and the 2008 financial crisis was the last straw for neoliberalism.

@Patricia economics is moving very fast, if anyone is referring to something from the 20th century without a lot of caveat they don't know what they are talking about.

@GossiTheDog I think it's trying to suggest that you can burn calories simple by trying to use copilot. Therefore suggest it has a use.

@futurebird the internet was invented in 60s, but old is a relative term. The telegraph, a technology with much in common with the Internet, was invented in the 19th century. Standardised clocks require global instant communication technology, something we have had for long enough to define large part of our reality.

@matthew_d_green honestly finding a good editor is probably more important. Most editors on YouTube has some experience doing thumbnails as well.

@azonenberg the problem isn't that autonomous cars are unsafe, the problem is that our roads are unsafe. The idea that a simple blunder or unforseen circumstances can kill is and should be unacceptable.

@Patricia I was planing to, and still do. But I feel compelled to refute the idea that I engaged in bad faith. I had every intention, and still do, to represent my position fairly and in full.

@Patricia it does not correct for countries going bankrupt, witch is the most common reason countries reach out to the IMF.

@Patricia you were the one that picked up that thread. You could have engaged in the more substantial issue raised if you wanted to. But I reject the idea that etymology is uninteresting.

@Patricia yeah sure, but it's not as easy as to say "all countries undergoing IMF supervision went to hell". Because it forget to ask "why did counties accept IMF supervision in the first place?". Coronation is rarely causation.

@Patricia if we use Wikipedia as a source, "The term was popularized by Aom Klein. In her 2007 book The Shook Doctrine" from the Wikipedia page on shock therapy under the subline "orgins of the term "shock therapy" " witch greatly implies that the term was not in common use until after then current event. There does however exist a general reference to rapid reform to freemarket policies, but also more specific reference to post soviet states. So I would say its a wash.

@Patricia it was beside the point, witch is why I wrote it in parenthesis. Words meaning change over time, and varies based region and dialect. I was taught that shock therapy was a specific policy implement in the aftermath of the collapse of the Union in Russia.

@Patricia it's a very specific term that refers to post soviet Russia, yes it has been used to describe other places as well. It's a bit like calling morden Israel for an apartheid, even though the term is originally specific to South Africa.

@Patricia can you prove that it's simply not the case that the most desperate countries are the least able to deny the IMF?, most countries that went through something that could be described as a corollary too "shock therapy" (witch in itself was unique to post soviet Russia) had already exhausted all other options.

@gdupont as you may have noted I caveat that my comment wasn't about humanoid robots, witch has not been proven either.

@virtulis @mcc less that it's sound similar to "Hej", and more that "Hi" have become a lone word meaning "I accept both English, and Swedish". Very practical if you don't care/know what language the receiver is capable of.

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