Kudos to Jean-Michel Aphatie for taking a stand. The colonial powers did in fact commit all sorts of atrocities and massacres. There is far too little recognition of this in Europe. On the topic of Nazis, we are taught they were a distinctly German phenomenon. What is too often overlooked is that the racial theories came from places like Stanford University. And Napolean and others set the example of militaristic state brutally conquering for its own gains.
@eighthave he has been talking about this publicly for years. And yep, he is right.
When I was in Uni the topic of homicide in Belgium was being discussed and I was shocked to find out that it didn't include Belgian homicide in Congo, only Belgian homicides in Belgium. Worthy vs unworthy victims. Similarly on the topic of Nazi genocide, the important thing for White Empire was not what was done but who it was done to, as Israel continues to demonstrate to this day.