I like and both for group communications, but there are still many things that does much better. For example, I often want to quickly preview a message to see if I want to deal with it now. If not, then I leave it marked unread. Not possible all the messenger apps I've tried. That leads to slower response times because I won't open messages until I'm fully ready to deal with something more complicated. Maybe is the best direction for the long term.

@eighthave That's a big part of my workflow too, the only one I know of that does that (also let's you snooze messages to alert you later) is slack. Really need that in Signal & Element. I don't know Delta though, does it have this? what a strange idea


@vitriolix I didn't know did that. I find Slack's UX to be over-complicated and put too much emphasis on emojis. But I also haven't used it that much. I worry about going too much in that direction, but I would like to at least try a "preview then mark unread" UX in Matrix.

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