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Government: where it ignorant go to claim lordship over the knowledgeable. | California Farmer Fights Government Claim That Dirt Is a Pollutant | Intellectual Takeout

Me and my cheap readers. (Waiting for my eyes to fully heal to get an actual reading prescription)

When government seeks to keep you safe, you by necessity become less free. I would rather be free and responsible for my own safety than be kept. | November was a bad month for gun and privacy rights | The Strident Conservative ™

I get my other cataract out tomorrow. Excited!

backers in the Birch batch have started sharing unboxing photos (attached CC-BY 2.0) videos and positive early impressions thank you to all our supporters for your patience and excitement 😀

This should highlight the fact that the state's arbitrary age restrictions are just that: arbitrary. | Military eyes 16-year-olds as ranks and candidates dwindle

Government represents a failure to get along with our fellow man and politics is foolishness

My left eye is still dialated, but I can see so much better with it. Life without one cataract is so much clearer!

The software team were busy in October: improved power consumption and thermals, refactored integration between various apps, added new features to keyboard, Settings, Shell and Compositor, squashed bugs and more

Four days until the surgery and 5 days until I can see with my left eye again. Then 2 weeks for the right eye.

Tuesday is the first cataract surgery. Looking foward to seeing properly again.

Collectivism allows for the making of such unsubstanciated claims without having to defend them. Viewing everyone as unique individuals renders such claims as utter nonsense. | UC Berkeley instructor calls rural Americans 'bad people who have made bad life decisions’ - TheBlaze

"Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive."
--C. S. Lewis

Week and a half until I can see again. I'm going to have a lot of email to get thru...

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