A study on Paris' future air condition use during a 9-day heatwave like the one in 2003, found:
if only all public buildings are running AC, ie not even the homes,
the outside air temperature🌡️increases by a lethal 3.6C
due to AC's warm air released into the streets.
While 10% more parks and proper insulation (and mandating an AC-cooled temperature of 26C) mean a temperature drop by 4C.
"Early adaptation to heat waves and future reduction of air-conditioning energy use in Paris",
#Viguié et al, 2020
Makes a lot of sense to cull cars from Paris' streets like mayor #Hidalgo does it, freeing up former parking space for trees and future "towel parks".
The 9 day #heatwave in August 2003 had cost 5000 lives in #Paris alone.
#climate #adaptation #heat #UrbanHeat #ExtremeWeather #energy
Would like to know that too. I'm an utter version when it comes to knowing how either tech works in detail.