@HarvardArtRoulette (Close! to be fair the item has 4 negatives and 4 positives and they aren't in order)
@HarvardArtRoulette I hope this experiment is getting good feedback :)
@gmic @davidrevoy I thought "human wants me to do something, so I won't" was as intended for cats, So no issue to file?
@mem_somerville @Giselle I think I'm impressed they remembered your corner existed, even if it's not named!
@Mikal No it doesn't.
(but I also dislike artist statements)
@SmithsonianRoulette Does anyone know what this man has tucked over his wrist?
@richardsheridan @SmithsonianRoulette I think the bot has a favourite!
@sundogplanets Pretty sure this one turned out to be SpaceX too https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-07-29/space-junk-found-in-nsw-snowy-mountains-paddocks-/101277542
@sundogplanets Fining for littering from space has been done before. Not really effective though. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-07-12/four-decades-on-from-skylabs-descent-from-space/11249626
@mem_somerville Nice!
@mem_somerville The angle makes it look even bigger and somehow mounted on the building! It'd be truly ominous if it were that big!!
@econads@mendeddrum.org@mendeddrum.org @SmithsonianRoulette@zirk.us@zirk.us It is indeed a dish.
If you look on the link, the item is a vase, but the bot seems to have picked the picture of the dish that belongs with (goes under?) the vase.
This sort of thing turns up from time to time, and given it's a random selection I'm not sure how it would be avoided.
@punkpaleo would you mind if I used this to base some craft from?
@mem_somerville I can not imagine how you would keep that number of bobbins in order!
@auris in english lace rosengrund is honeycomb ground. (though you don't have a lot of it there because of the diamonds! :)
I know it ought to be rose ground, but in english lace that's something like this, which in German lace ought to be Rohrstuhlgrund.
@mem_somerville Those really itty-bitty bells!