Can we just fucking not measure our self worth based on the relationships we have with coporate entities

Firefox doesn't make it easier for themselves by releasing a new version with the main new feature being "Pocket recommendations" but they also are in a tough spot with an audience that holds them to a very high standard and an audience that is pretty difficult to please. hi, OK, sorry I wasn't aware! I will follow from my main acc - personally I am not happy with librem social but have a but of sunk cost in the project now

Let the onslaught of whitewashing Martin Luther King, Jr begin!

@djsumdog MLK knew that riots were a natural consequence of systemic refusal to validate black lives. Also, notably, he was hunted and harassed by the FBI, then later assassinated for these preachings of nonviolence.

"I contend that the cry of "black power" is, at bottom, a reaction to the reluctance of white power to make the kind of changes necessary to make justice a reality for the Negro. I think that we've got to see that a riot is the language of the unheard."

everyone is sitting around locked inside their homes and i'm still getting left on read...youchhhh

β€œCertainement qui est en droit de vous rendre absurde est en droit de vous rendre injuste.” – FranΓ§ois-Marie Arouet (Voltaire, 1765)

(Certainly anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices.)

@djsumdog @purism I'm in the same boat. Hoping they deliver anything at all, even just the current stage toaster-brick

Zoom acquired Keybase today.

Keybase helped me to identify a trend in the software industry: using a pretty UI to cover up the disruption of an open ecosystem with a closed, centralized replacement. Keybase seemed cool on the face of it - making encryption easier is a laudible goal, and PGP certainly could use the improvement. But, thanks to Keybase, now I ask different questions upfront.

Beware the Keybase formula:

1. Integrates with an existing, open ecosystem
2. May have open-source clients, but server is closed source and does not federate
3. Pretty UI and good marketing
4. VC funded

I have addressed the immediate problems which are in my control, so now I'm going to go back to crying under my bed and awaiting the sweet release of death to free me from the burden of understanding how fucked computers are

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Bold prediction: The Snap store will be a Flatpak remote by the next Ubuntu LTS.

@alatiera I see. Curious to hear your opinion about features you would like to see in a VCS? I have always found git to have a decent learning curve compared to older methods of source control, but don't see a clear replacement

Unless your company is emailing me to tell me how you’re paying your employees and contractors during this time, I do not care for your coronavirus marketing email one bit.

I don’t post like I used to because the responses from men have become unbearable. The gamut of creepy, condescending or copycat. They do it in person at conferences too, which makes me think twice about speaking. (And I witness this being far worse for women less white than me.)

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