@curtisysmith if you look for photoshop 6.0 from the early 2000s (not CS 6) you can run that in wine and it might be possible to find a serial number on google. Bye bye Windows. Also winamp 5.56 works great tooπŸ‘

@chriswere I just watched the screamer2 video you made, screamer rally is on the Internet archive and is playable on dosbox


@stephenfry I have the best idea ever.
I'll just need you to forward all your contacts' details to me first then I may consider telling you.
<twirling moustache >

@almaember remember they do try to have an education system. Just because Americans are the laughing stock of the world, doesn't mean we should mock them openly to their faces.

Have you any plans to try out the nreal air glasses with your steamdeck? I was thinking of trying Red Steel 2 using a real wiimote on dolphin (android samsung flip 4) or cod Black ops. If the wiimote works would this be the best portable gaming system ever, or what?

I see you're going for the festive feastπŸ˜‚
You know, if you keep the red nose, it makes a nice nightlight. 🦌 🦌 🦌

@aks are you sure you're a pizza enthusiast?
int Count = ArrayList.OfType<ingredients>

@shelby@fauxzen.com I use linux on all my machines back home, but I've been using Dex for the last 3 weeks since I work at sea and am trying to travel light. No more power brick or anything, just a dock and 45cm hdmi cable. Tis surprisingly useful on the ships reception desk with keyboard monitor and mouse for everything i need now, apart from Open RAπŸ˜‚

@gardiner_bryant I didn't even know an official iso was planned. Cool cheers mateπŸ‘

Just a quick question. One of my workmates has bought a new laptop all AMD 6900hx but I've been pushing him to use steamos 3.4 (holoiso) since it'll run sweeeeet AF. Do you have any experience with steamos other than on the steamdeck? Any anecdotes or game fps to push him over the edge, and far far away from Win11. Cheers

@gardiner_bryant No probs, I guess if I had a steamdeck I would get nothing done at allπŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚

@gardiner_bryant are you done with the off topical podcast? I work at sea and that used to be my primary means of getting some tech news, had to download it with wget to bypass the ships crappy "network security" πŸ™„ links on here would be great if you and Raven started up again.

@ChrisWere I know what you mean, it's not overrun with adverts and since it's nothing to do with Google, it will last longer than "trial version" timeframes πŸ˜‚

@ChrisWere I just listened to the Stadia podcast as I do enjoy your chris' snippets or whatever you choose to call them. You did mention something about lighting and such for videos I'm assuming, but an audio only medium is great for listening to while in the car or doing some work. Much appreciated as I get a lot of tech news from you when I'm at sea, I just prefer to listen. BTW nobody was surprised that Stadia disappeared πŸ˜’ I am totally surprised it lasted as long as it did πŸ˜†

@requiem a text file with links is the most simple option, followed by rss which is basically the same thing. Have you looked at irc? Or host a single html page with links in this new fancy thing called a "table" would make it look nice. Oldies but goldies, never forget the basics. If I find something on my phone that I want to look at later, I just post the link to telegram to view on any other device later. Are you wanting to publish this for others, or us it for your own use?

I just went to invidious to see what's trending on YouTube, I'm not surprised YT is failing and folk are moving to share.tube and other open platforms.

@agafnd if you use VirtualBox in ubuntu to run a Windows 10 vm to use WSL to run qemu to run Windows ME to get a dos command prompt, you can use the computer as a nuclear fusion device to power your house. The more you know...

@kev I think the next bullet point in that slide is more concerning. These filters, are they applied by individual users or at the server/instance level? This is the type of control each user should have lest we end up with just another centralised Facebook like BS

Would running iTunes in Windows on the keep you warm enough while camping in the snow?

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