Just had an interesting experience as one of two individuals exhibiting similar behavior in a public space. I was not corrected - my lack of a face covering was for the ongoing act of drinking water. Another man was approached by the station attendant and told to put a mask on while recording some kind of media on his phone. His response was to loudly insist the same standard be applied to everyone, the implication being racism was why he was asked and I was not. 1/2
2/2 - As a brown man from a state with legendary levels of racist hypocrisy, I understand the response and reaction of the other man. The attendant however appeared to be upholding the standards posted in several languages. In any event, I offered an apology of my own for creating a situation where even the appearance of racial discrimination was possible. This was met with a threat of violence so I broke contact. Battle drill 3 saves the day again, >13 years after my last day of combat...