Today was "Bundesweiter Warntag" in Germany so a good point in time to test 's & 's upcoming support 🚨 .

The sounds emitted by are only stubs (and you don' t hear the haptic in the video but I promise it's there 😃).

There's three messages because the CBMs are sent out on three different channels.

Thanks @NGIZero for supporting my work on this!

@agx @NGIZero

Mhmmm I may have messed something up when I prepared two of my devices for the tests as I at least didnt get them displayed in #phosh

Time to dig into the logs!

@devrtz @agx @NGIZero my mobian/trixie L5 didn't respond either. what log to check?

@nivea @devrtz @NGIZero You need the merge requests for ModemManager and Phosh. Without these you'll not see any CBMs. Note the *upcoming* in my post 😃

@agx @nivea @devrtz @NGIZero The way everyone was talking about cell broadcast I was thinking you have some kind of emergency in Germany. But apparently, it is just emergency system test. Hey, we'll likely have the real deal here in day or two!

@pavel Hope you all stay safe and dry.

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