I wonder: If a project deliberately unilaterally abandons a #Freedesktop specification, would it be reasonable to ignore their voice in subsequent change discussions to that particular specification, for changes that other projects want to make to it?
After all, by breaking the convention, there apparently is no longer any interest in collaboration and cross-desktop integration anyway...
It would suck though, it would make the Linux desktop poorer, inconsistent and app dev's lives harder.
@agx Yes - I am drafting some "playground rules" for fd.o specs so decisions can be followed easier, and this is an aspect that will be part of it.
I also kind of want any technical concern to have a reply (as in, we considered the issue but don't address it for X, Y, Z reasons), potentially having an accompanying document to detail why certain decisions were made to avoid repeated debates.
But that's going off-topic now ^^