Dear companies,

please don't make having access to Google's or Apple's app stores to use your products a requirement.

This locks so many of us out because we either don't have a compatible device or the device doesn't have the software to access these services (like google play services).

1️⃣ /2️⃣

Appealing to sociopathic entities who follow the interests of owners above all is pointless. Best case is a temporary shift while the positive PR is judged financially preferable.

If we want to fix these corporations we have to bypass them, which means delivering better products and services, and helping people move.

Some try to improve regulation, tackle the monopolies etc, which is good, but will be far more effective if we also have better alternatives.

@happyborg @agx Bypassing only works so far, at some point large corporations backed by overly rich & morally void people will buy themselves laws and regulations that suit them and make the lives of open alternatives and small companies indefinitely harder. We're very deep in the shit right now regarding overwhelming power of a financial aristocracy that's also seated in Silicon Valley.
If better alternatives are to win, it has to be accompanied by an anti-right, anti-conservative movement.

I get your point but:
1. it's probably too late
2. I don't think it's as bad as that. Autonomous decentralized systems may be too robust for such threats, and may in fact be needed by those people and entities as much as everyone else, while at the same time leveling the playing field as applications and services move to the more secure, robust systems that protect from hacking, ransomware etc

Either way, while I do avocate politically I think my work helping the tech is key.

@happyborg @Natanox As the problem is pretty big already I think we need to advance on all levels: tech, public awareness, politics and regulations as likely not all of them will be successful 😃

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