Dear #Librem5 Community,
i broke the Screen of my Librem5 which i have been daliy driving since 8 Month now. So i will order a #replacement screen from #purism ( which cost 150$, if anybody is also interested).
Did anybody already replaced the screen or knows any source with information how to do it?
the "disassemble video" from purism does not go that far:
Thanks in advance for any tip and #help 🙂️
@MissBehave Did you do that with another device before? I replaced on once and getting it off with a "heat pistol" was o.k. but I didn't get the glue thin enough so there was a slight gap at the edge of the display after placing the new display.
@MissBehave If I had a 2nd chance with mine I'd have practiced gluing on the panel with hot glue before actually doing it. (E.g. using the old panel and glueing it to a flat surface multiple times).
Also for remving: I'm usually too cautious when it comes to applying heat but only if the glue is really hot you can peel of the old display "easily".