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@Jon6705 @Molly vanity space travel of billionaires sending cars or celebrities of themselves into space. But proper space science isn't just useful to us - by comparing the geological composition of Mars to Earth we learn more about the formation of both and how rocks may weather differently under atmospheric conditions for example, and it led us to develop satellites that can monitor ozone and atmospheric and water temperature and model future weather patterns. But I also strongly believe

@Jon6705 @Molly honestly I think we need to do both - it's the capitalistic scarcity mindset that tells us there's only cash to do one, and not fully, and that eventually leads to the idea that if we can't look after everyone we need to prioritise and exclude the undeserving. There is obviously a huge problem that our news and social media focusses on sharing what gets most clicks and hence most revenue, which is Mars not the ongoing crises on this planet, and I'm not defending the

Jules boosted

#Introduction time!

We're Butser Ancient Farm, a world-renowned experimental archaeology site covering over 10,000 years of human history -- we recreate ancient buildings from real UK archaeology to test theories about how they were built and lived in!

We're part of the #TwitterMigration & we talk about #archaeology #history #nature #conservation #education and #TraditionalSkills 💚

Part of the #PrehistoricNotPrimitive brigade!

Jules boosted

I am 100% not shitting you when I say scientists named mastodons after their teeth which they thought looked like nipples. “Mastos” as in breast. “odont” as in tooth.
We’re on a website that, in Greek, literally means “Booby Tooth.”

Jules boosted

I'll weigh in on the subject of artists promoting their work and #art and #crafts since it's a discussion at the moment. I say PLEASE DO. Obviously, we want more than just shop fronts, we want communities. But I LOVE seeing art on my timeline. I'll boost and occasionally probably buy. So, share away. Artists must support artists, and that means enabling a living wage. Art can't be created in poverty. And art should NOT be the preserve of the rich.

Jules boosted

This individual had such a remarkable history. I'm genuinely baffled that he remained alone his entire life, despite the urge to mate. Perhaps the initial highway crossings were so difficult he didn't want to attempt them again? Or maybe the access to food and space was more compelling than mating? Anyway, RIP to a very interesting cat.

#P22 #wildlife #cougar #mountainlion

P-22, the celebrity mountain lion of Los Angeles, has died - Los Angeles Times

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"neurodivergence is extremely common, affecting between 15% and 20% of the global population"

Jules boosted

I think this vision of work, with its underlying assumption of virtue and sin, is deeply harmful in many levels.

It hurts us individually by wasting our lives doing things we'd rather not.

It hurts us socially by alienating us and robbing us of time and energy for joy and connection.

It hurts us environmentally by wasting resources, burning fuel in traffic to get us to BS jobs we hate and don't need doing.

I don't know what my point is though.

Just ranting here. Go read those books I guess.

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Remember, Mary Shelley not only brought forth Science Fiction as a genre with Frankenstein, she did it to piss off Byron.
Byron: "Clearly I'm the pre-eminent author here."
Shelley: "Bitch, hold my absinthe."
#authors #writing #MaryShelley

Jules boosted

A long time ago in a book called The Hacker Ethic and the Spirit of the Information Age, Pekka Himanen argued (among many other things) that our current ethics value sacrifice and suffering as inherently virtuous.

Work is a good thing upon itself and being a hard worker, sacrificing pleasure and time off for Work are seen as positive things.

This automatically puts leisure and fun as borderline sinful and signs of weakness and shame.

I often think about this and how hard it is to overcome.

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What's a climate policy or investment that most people don't think of as a climate policy or investment?

For example voting rights, since the same communities tend to face barriers to voting and the impacts of fossil fuel pollution. For example polling consistently shows people of color are more supportive of climate action than white people).

What's your favorite not obvious climate policy?

Jules boosted

Dutch PM apologises for the Netherlands’ role in the slave trade, noting the state ‘enabled, encouraged and profited from slavery’ for centuries, perpetrating a crime against humanity.

Jules boosted

Christmas decorations are going up! You’ve got the tree, lights, asbestos… Wait, what?

For decades, asbestos was sold as artificial snow. It could be bought in boxes to be sprinkled onto trees, ornaments, nativity scenes, etc. It was so popular, many older ornaments still have traces of asbestos.

It was also used in film. The most famous scene with asbestos snow is in Wizard of Oz (1939), when snow falls on Dorothy and her friends, waking them up.

#histodons @histodons #christmas

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Another night in a crumbling empire, waiting for the oceans to rise, doing our little skin care routines

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There may be no clearer materialization of the idea that globalization facilitates the flow of goods while limiting the flow of people than a (illegal) border wall constructed out of shipping containers.

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Jules boosted

I actually remembered to get my holiday supply of meds the other day.
If you take medication on a daily basis this is a nudge to make sure you've got enough for over the short holiday period you may not be able to get your script filled

Jules boosted

Masks: Hi! Hi there everyone! We are here, we are cheap, we can help prevent death, disability, and general misery.

Society and media:

Bikes: Hello world. We are so happy to be here, fighting climate change, helping people stay healthy, making cities less congested.

Society and media:

Fusion experiment: Hello. For a split second we had a sort of breakthrough that will take decades to grow to enough scale to displace fossil fuels.

Society and media:🎉 🎆 👏 🎉 🎆 👏🎉 🎆 👏

Jules boosted

I mean sure, it looks like paint, but I think this is a purple lichen? Found under a railway arch on the Pennine Way in Northumberland. Felt to the touch a bit like modelling clay and smelt ‘fresh’, if anything. Any ideas? #IDHelp #NatureSpot #lichen #LichenSubscribe #nature #NatureID

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