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Jules boosted

You know the academic publishing model is fucked up when you use #SciHub to access your own paper. @academicchatter #academia #openaccess

Jules boosted

Very disappointed to hear the high court #Rwanda judgement. We must keep on highlighting the gross unfairness of this approach. Not everything legal is moral. The human struggle has always been to make the immoral illegal. That can never achieve via silence.

Jules boosted

Also why would deportation to #Rwanda deter the smugglers? This widely promoted logic defeats me. Smugglers take money from very desperate people who may not necessarily have all the facts, and don’t give a monkey’s whether these people end up in the UK, Rwanda or Mars!

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Jules boosted

How to have a "beach body":

1) You're already 70% water, which is a good start

2) Replace the other 30% with sand

I'm seeing a lot of confusion here over who and were, and which of them stole ideas from the other, so I thought it was important to make a post to clarify things. The fact is she's the same person: Joan Mastodon is trans.

Jules boosted

The asteroid that ended the dinosaurs was technically the highest ratio of killing birds to one stone.

Jules boosted

Thinking back to the summer heatwave in the UK when everyone was “Our houses aren’t built for the heat, they’re designed to keep warm in winter”, and now everyone is “Our houses aren’t built for this cold”. Maybe time to admit that the UK has just been building homes for 100 years that are shit at *everything* aside from extracting rent from the poor.

@Mrs_Moons I'm also working till Friday, wondering which lunch break I can get to the post office on, it's widdling down out there and I just want to go back to bed

Jules boosted

The problem with working full time is by the time you get to Christmas you are exhausted. instead of ice skating while making delicious home made gifts by an enormous real fire, before wrapping all your presents in hand stamped eco wrapping you just want to sleep and watch crap on TV.

Jules boosted

She peeked over the edge of the bed.
"Are you still there?" she whispered.
The monsters under the bed did not reply.
"There is an elf on my shelf."
"It watches me, and reports to Santa."
A hoarse growl came under the bed:
"Turn the light off."
She smiled.
"Thank you."
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

Jules boosted

Since "John Mastodon" has gone so viral here following Mediaite's confusion, I think, in the future, for those folks left on Twitter who want to secretly refer to Mastodon after Elon bans all mentions of it, just talk about "friends of John" as the code...

Jules boosted

I'm evangelizing for Mastodon because Twitter is likely toast, but I also want to be very clear that Black and disabled folks have built community infrastructure on Twitter that is real and meaningful.

We all need to be mindful of what Elon is destroying, and who it harms most.

Jules boosted

You can only sell off the family silver once.

The temporary windfall from selling public assets comes at the expense of a community permanently losing parks, housing, libraries, sports facilities and much more.

Future generations deserve better.

Jules boosted

If it reads like I’m advocating for violence against a specific billionaire, please understand I’m not. I want violence to happen to all of them

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Jules boosted
Jules boosted

Scrolling through memory lane, and an art exhibit at LACMA visited last year. Artist Mickalene Thomas, a piece called "The Inversion of Raquel"
#Art #blackmastodon

Really interesting interview with a bunch of and folks on whether they feel it was worth it and what difference they feel they've made in light of the .

Jules boosted
Jules boosted

There are many legitimate reasons to track Elon Musk's flight coordinates, for example to offer him ads more relevant to his interests

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