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Jules boosted

UK Pol, strikes 

Jules boosted
Jules boosted

Is cycling in Paris still quite uncomfortable? Its network indirect and—at times—incoherent? Are there still too many cars? Absolutely.

But it’s tackling these challenges with a level of resource and commitment not seen in most cities. We’re excited to watch its progress unfold.

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Jules boosted

I used to have this pinned on my (defunct) twitter account, so will repeat it here:

Don't think about climate change as something we succeed or fail at. It's not binary. Every tonne of carbon emissions makes the problem worse, so everything we do to avoid those emissions helps. Never stop trying!

@dutchbarracuda like that, but the bits were the same colour as the rest of the tea. I'm genuinely revolted by my own brain right now

Jules boosted

“I would like to give Parisians back the space cars have taken from them. It’s a matter of rehabilitation that must be implemented as a form of reparation.” - Mayor Anne Hidalgo

Built in 1967, the motorway on the Seine moved 30,000 cars/day until it was given back to Parisians in 2018.

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Last night I had a dream that there was a version of tea with bits in, the way there is for orange juice, and if you failed to specify which one you wanted you could end up with the wrong type. And if I have to live with that horrific mental image so do you.

@jesuschris @jik @mhoye aaaaand that's enough internet for one day *throws phone out of the window*

Jules boosted

Fediverse, let's have some fun:

What is the most trivial life lesson you would like to impart to your younger self?

@quixoticgeek dammit, I'm now regretting not choosing maxtodon as a handle

Jules boosted
Jules boosted

It's beautiful watching the firehose of the #federated feed just constantly scrolling past, seeing the images, the languages, the mix of everything.
As I'm watching it:
Meme, anime, ukraine, snow, garden, painting, poll, christmas tree, red door, pride & prejudice, canyon in Iraq, tarot, food, Die Hard (it's an xmas movie, shush), cats, cats, toys, cats, fountain, lab.

The languages too, english, japanese, korean, german, polish, french, so many.

It's beautiful.

Jules boosted

Imagine being the person who says to Rishi Sunak:

"I think we can spin this and get people to back you, not the nurses."

With a straight face.

Jules boosted

Tories keep trying at attack strikers by saying it's not fair on 'hard working people'

Nurses, who ARE hard worker ng people only got half an hour with a lazy minister

Nurses literally died working their guts out to save ives after the Tories let Covid run out of control

Tories broke the NHS - deliberately. It is managed decline to then asset strip

Jules boosted

One thing I wish my more fragile fellow white people in the fediverse would at least try to understand is that Black people aren't calling out racism for fun. They call it out because it hurts them, but also because they think it might change something. It's literally an act of trust and vulnerability.

When someone asks you to be better, it's because they think you have it in you to be better. Try to live up to that.

Jules boosted

Thinking about how a single french fry pretty much perfectly encapsulates everything wolves domesticated themselves to access.

Inaccessible vegetable made edible by cultivation and fire, plus grease and salt.

When our doggos eyes bulge out and they tremble with barely controlled hunger for our french fries they're participants in a grand heist going back forty thousand years.

@mhoye fair point, well made. I just consistently wish I'd picked rather less of a dickhead of a male actor to fake a crush on. Keanu Reeves seems like a decent bloke, why couldn't teenage me have picked him? I'm sure there must have been naked women in some of his movies

@jik @mhoye On reflection I don't think I will ask, but thank you

@jik @mhoye I'll probably regret asking this, but what is the reason?

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