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Jules boosted

RT @RebeccaSear
Why is this story about the effects of austerity on population health not constantly splashed on the front of every newspaper? “Britain is suffering from worsening health, as the NHS and social care system buckles after years of underinvestment”

Jules boosted

There's no systemic racism but weirdly every time we train an AI on public data sets it becomes very racist.

Jules boosted

Proposal to stop referring to covid in the past tense and climate change in the future tense.

Jules boosted

No words are strong enough to criticize the decision to open a new *coal mine* in the middle of a *climate emergency*
Tory claims to global leadership on climate revealed as hypocritical farce
Caroline Lucas is right to call this a crime against humanity

Jules boosted

A young doctor friend of mine said that the starving of the NHS is a deliberate policy to enable privatization

He worked in the very ward where Boris Johnson was in hospital with Covid

Disgraceful betrayal of the very best in our society


Private health care to expand in effort to clear backlogs


Jules boosted

Wondering how successful those new Paris bike-lanes have been? New cyclists account for almost 6 in 10 users of new protected lanes. More women are on bikes. And 62% of residents of the Paris Region want the new bike-lanes to be made permanent. Via @roadcc
#cities #urbanism #Paris #BikeLanes

Jules boosted

This image shows the ONLY places in all of England and Wales where wild camping is legal, without explicit consent of the landowner.
A hedge fund manager wants to remove that from us. Are you going to let him?

Jules boosted

Do not use candles and terracotta pots to heat your home, it's not safe.

BBC News - TikTok homemade heater trend blamed for Derby flat fire

Jules boosted

With half of the UK’s butterflies now listed as endangered, time is running out.

As #COP15 kicks off today, we urgently need the UK to lead the way on halting and reversing biodiversity loss by 2030.

Add your voice to the Urgent Conversation here 👉

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Jules boosted

The most important thing that happened to me was to become, at age 7, an expatriate kid. I was only that for a few years, but the learning stuck. I retain this point of view even decades later. Here’s 5 lessons.

1. I know that the things taken for granted are often arbitrary.

2. I learned to be a minority.

3. I learned to ask questions about the unfamiliar in respectful ways.

4. I learned what class, wealth, and poverty were.

5. There’s very little of the planet untouched by colonialism.

Jules boosted

Die Hortensie hatte dieses Jahr nur eine einzige Blüte, aber die trotzt noch dem Winter, während die Blätter schon abgefallen sind. #fotografie #photo #flowers

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Jules boosted
Jules boosted

Hello Fediverse! #introduction

We're a charity that helps people learn how to repair their broken things, and challenges the pattern of consumption of electronics and electricals in the first place.

We support community #repair and #reuse and repair businesses in London and beyond, and are active in pushing for the #RightToRepair in the UK and in Europe.

#RestartParties #RepairCafes #FixingFactories

Jules boosted

it has not ALL been just a history of unilinear destruction of nature by humans.

So I will post different examples of this here every day this coming week.

1. Today, it's forest islands in West Africa. These were long thought of as last remnants of forest, surrounded by 'derived savanna', but James Fairhead and Melissa Leach showed that they were growing and created by people through villages, habitation and farming. Watch their film 'Second Nature' here:

Jules boosted

Have you ever wondered how many Mastodon users other people follow?

Most active Mastodon users follow around 150 other people. (That's the median number anyway. So half follow less than 150, and the other half follow more than 150.)

About 10% of active Mastodon users follow more that 600 people.

About 10% of active Mastodon users follow less than 15 people.

The full distribution is based on a large sample of active Mastodon users.

#Mastodon #MastodonTips #MastodonMigration #Follow

Jules boosted
Jules boosted

"They formed a shield wall, ready to meet their enemy with pears."

It's a bold strategy, but I'm not convinced that it's wise or tactically accurate.


Jules boosted

Hmm, I haven't seen the Forbidden Gummy Bear cross my timeline on Mastodon yet, as it regularly did in the other place. Guess I should start it myself then.

A bear shaped amber amulet of exceptional beauty and exquisite craft skills, found in a peat bog near Slupsk, Poland, and dated to about 3,500 years ago. Now in the Szczecin museum in Poland.

Jules boosted

@kevlin @cwebber described ChatGPT as Mansplaining As A Service, and honestly I can’t think of a better description. A service that instantly generates vaguely plausible sounding yet totally fabricated and baseless lectures at an instant with unflagging confidence in it’s own correctness on any topic, without concern, regard or awareness even of the level of expertise of it’s audience.

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