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Jules boosted

@dave @Bam @thetitanborn

1) Don't ask Black users to CW discussions of their own racism.

2) Don't be on a server where mods mistreat Black folk.

3) Support the mods on your own server, financially and otherwise.

4) Don't engage with sea lions that say "Mistreatment? Here? prove it!" There have been enough threads shared on Black folk receiving racism. Individually convincing each one is exhausting, and expecting that is a tactic of bad faith actors.

Jules boosted

Good morning! There’s a very distinct north-south divide when it comes to the carbon intensity of our electricity grid — a case of the greens and the green-nots.

Jules boosted

Trans people just want to fucking live. You know what I'm saying? We want to have a safe home, we want to eat in a restaurant on occasion, we want to hang out with friends, we want to fall in love and be loved back. We want to have fun and dress up sometimes and stay at home on our couches sometimes and have a life that is fulfilling and in which we aren't constantly in fear of murder or harassment. This is not new and it's not radical and it's not harming you or anyone else to ask for it.

Jules boosted

My daughter found a big garter snake in the yard today. After we hung out with it for a bit she went inside and make this note for the snake, helpfully translating the English into Snake

Jules boosted

I cannot overstate how much time and energy we have saved by having a lab wiki where we record collective knowledge and solutions to common problems. Instead of trying to recreate something someone did two years ago it's a quick search and then often just copy-paste.

Here's ours:

Jules boosted

If you want to stop AI from hurting artists, don't try to persuade people not to use it. Instead teach boomers how to make Minion memes with it. Nothing will kill the AI vibe faster than Carol in accounts receivable thinking it's cool

Jules boosted

Driving a car 1km cost society 89 cents – but riding a bike the same distance SAVES society 26 cents. Source: City of #Copenhagen. This, plus 11 other key graphs regarding urban biking, in this key #guardiancities #guardian article. #CityMakingMath #cities #urbanism #biking #transportation

Jules boosted

This feels like a good time for lots of non trans people to loudly state the truth that trans people are good and more out and visible trans people is good for society.

Jules boosted

Since 1945 the UK has lost 98% of its meadows, causing severe declines in our pollinators. But... it doesn't have to be this way. 🌼🦋

Butterfly Conservation volunteer Huw Pennell shares with us the story of his wildflower meadow in Corstorphine, Edinburgh 👉

#WildSpaces #SaveButterflies #MothsMatter

Jules boosted

PARENT: "Have you finished writing your letter to Santa?"

CHILD: "I'm don't believe in Santa anymore. Now I believe in a decentralized network of independently operating elves who federate using an open protocol called ActivityPub to share information about children's Christmas wishes and source gifts to fulfill them"

Jules boosted

PSA: Lilies are dangerously toxic to cats. Even one small sniff or nibble can cause kidney failure and death. Rapid vet intervention cannot reliably save their lives.

*Never* keep true lilies (lilium) in the house if you have cats.

Make sure your family and friends know too! There's no warning at the store about the danger of lilies, so they get around in the holidays.

#Caturday #Cats #CatsOfMastodon

Jules boosted

I paid far more attention to what the UNHCR said in response to the report that Suella Braverman was backing today.👇

“There is no such thing as an ‘illegal asylum seeker’. The indefinite detention of those seeking asylum, based solely on their mode of arrival, would punish people in need of help and protection and constitute a clear breach of the United Kingdom’s obligations under the 1951 refugee convention,” a statement from the UNHCR said


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Jules boosted

Marie Curie's notebooks, which are radioactive and must be stored in a lead-lined box in the Bibliothèque Nationale. Curie’s corpse is also radioactive. Her coffin is lined in an inch of lead. Both will remain radioactive for 1,500+ years.

More info:

#HistSci #ScienceMastodon #MedMastodon #science #scientist #HistoryOfScience #HistMed #WomenInStem #TIL #TheMoreYouKnow #WeirdHistory

Jules boosted

in Norway, "up and not crying" is a not uncommon response to "how's it going" type questions, and I feel like that's a very reasonable standard to hold oneself to especially nowadays

Jules boosted

Very sad to hear about Elon Musk.

Nothing happened to him, I’m just very sad to hear about him.

Jules boosted

All nautical vessels use she/her pronouns but postal ships are assigned mail at berth.

Jules boosted

Quora, StackOverflow, etc. try to rebrand themselves and leverage their karma/social graphs as walled gardens of verified Real Human (TM) experts. This creates incentives for humans to cheat, of course.

Like I knew this was gonna be used for fake-grassroots political messaging--remember talking with a friend about a DoD project to do exactly this circa 2012. Somehow took me a bit to connect that to "finding any kind of meaningful information is going to get harder".

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Jules boosted

Searching for "replace air filter on a Samsung SG-3560lgh" is gonna return fifty Quora/WikiHow style sites named "How to replace the air filter on a Samsung SG-2360lh" with paragraphs of plausible, grammatical GPT-generated explanation which may or may not have any connection to reality. Site owners pocket the ad revenue. AI arms race as search engines try to detect and derank LLM content.

Wikipedia starts getting large chunks of LLM text submitted plausible but nonsensical references

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Jules boosted

God, search results are about to become absolute hot GARBAGE in 6 months when everyone and their mom start hooking up large language models to popular search queries and creating SEO-optimized landing pages with plausible-sounding results.

Jules boosted

Do I love the history behind Thanksgiving and the way in which it's been revised and co-opted? Of course not.

But I do enjoy the food and the sentiment. It's nice to have a moment to come together with those you love, eat good food, take a moment to be grateful for whatever you can, and then fall into a food coma for three to six hours.

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