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Jules boosted
Jules boosted

Saw this nice little piece drawn by @joan_de_art in the solarpunk subreddit and I honestly love the idea of little canals with fish, like in old Japanese villages. #solarpunk

Jules boosted

Coprolite may not be my favourite fossil. But it's a solid number two.

Jules boosted

Bezos donates $100M to charity the same week Amazon lays off 10,000 workers.

I’m sure that’s a total coincidence—not a calculated PR stunt to detract from worker exploitation the week before Thanksgiving while reporting a 14.7% increase in 2022 Q3 revenue of $127B.

Jules boosted

Botanists from Ukraine asking for help to repair the damage done to the Institute of Botany NAS of Ukraine and the National Herbarium of Ukraine (KW) by russian missile strikes

Ukrainian Botanical Society opened 2 special bank accounts for this (in EUR & USD, details below).


Need to mention that I know Prof. Dr. Anna Kuzemko personally for many years as well as many other Ukrainian botanists.

@thegiftofgabes all these people are asking intellectual questions and I just want to ask what the food is like

Jules boosted

Excited to unveil our Warming Stripes on Exminster Primary School!

A great talking point for awareness in the local community

Please retweet and visit the link! The kids would love to see how much impact our stripes get!

Jules boosted

Periodic reminder: Make fun of horrible people for what they do, not their body or their appearance. Many good, kind, and wonderful people exist who happen to share similar physical features with the horrible person you're mocking.

@WilliamNB so that's one account I can trust. 1,499,999 users still unaccounted for though!

@WilliamNB I'm here at the moment, but preparing to crawl under a rock and hide from all social media and probably the internet in general because I'll be at the Exeter Cycling Campaign AGM tonight and will miss the Bakeoff Final!

@Cassana I'd like to share this on a wordpress blog post, how would you like to be linked to or credited please, if at all? Thank you

Jules boosted

long post on accessibility advice from a blind screen reader user 

Jules boosted

A typical European car is parked 92% of the time. It spends 1/5th of its driving time looking for parking. Its 5 seats only move 1.5 people. 86% of its fuel never reaches the wheels, & most of the energy that does, moves the car, not people.

I’m sure North American, Australasian, etc vehicles are similar.

Sound efficient to you?

HT @circulareconomy on Twitter. #carculture #cardependency #cars #evs #transportation #mobility #cities #energy #climatechange

Jules boosted

They say “We can’t do that. We’re not #Amsterdam.” You respond “Amsterdam wasn’t always like that either,” showing before & after transformations illustrating that the cities we admire made CHOICES. And they’re still making choices TODAY. They make more tired excuses. You don’t accept them either. (1e van der Helststraat, 1978 & 2005) #Dutch #Cityplanning #urbanplanning #streets #urbandesign #cities #streetsforpeople

Jules boosted

New blog post:

What Everyone Seems To Get Wrong About Mastodon (or what What Mastodon’t)

Posted: November 12, 2022

Let’s get this out of the way up front. Twitter is a massive corporation that recently sold for tens of billions of dollars. Mastodon (or, really, the Fediverse) is an adhoc collection of dozens of servers run on spare change and passion by hobbyists the world over.

(originally posted at gemini://, reposted to the web with minor revisions.)

Jules boosted

Yesterday, my local Mastodon admins called for people to donate voluntarily. So much money was pledged that today they posted a poll asking how many months of reserve funding they should keep on hand before donating the overage to charity.

Meanwhile, Elon's breaking Twitter because he desperately needs cash.

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