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A deep-green friend just posted about defrosting a freezer on Facebook, & I recommended that it was quite fun to use a hairdryer and blast at it like a spaceman with a ray gun. He's a lovely guy but his response was to say he didn't own a hairdryer & ask where the electricity to run it came from. And honestly that made me feel really bad and defensive & want to post that actually I borrowed the hairdryer from a friend and the electricity came Ecotricity, like the electricity running the freezer

I wonder if there's potential for a bit of after the ban? How many of us do you think it would take emailing or phoning Alexander asking for permission to camp on "his" land before it became a serious nuisance and waste of time?

Jules boosted

William Clough, Kinder Scout. Scene of the 1932 mass trespass.

Once again, a rich landowner uses his power and influence to exclude the people. Benny Rothman and Herbert Ward would have known what to do!

'Rise like Lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number—
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you—
Ye are many—they are few.'

Percy Bysshe Shelley

#Dartmoor #RightToRoam #Photography #Blackandwhitephotography #poetry

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Jules boosted

I hate how embedded car culture is. If they were invented today they’d quickly be outlawed for how dangerous they are

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Jules boosted

It is then absolutely necessary to #BanPrivatejets#TaxFrequentFliers, and #MakePollutersPay their climate debt. This includes cancelling Global South financial debt. #MakeThemPay
RT @ScientistRebel1
Hundreds of activists, among them 129 scientists, blockaded 11 international private airports demanding to #BanPrivateJets on November 10th. @ExtinctionR

To secure a livable Earth, the unnecessary & unju…

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Jules boosted

People in the top 1% of the consumption distribution bear a disproporionate responsibility for CO2 emissions and thus for climate change. And aviation is a major part of this. (Source:@zoe_institute) 5/

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RT @CarolineLucas
Make no mistake - this latest clamp down on fundamental freedoms threatens very right to peaceful protest - allowing police to stop protests before they happen on basis they *might* cause disruption is dangerous attempt to silence dissent #PublicOrderBill

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#ClimateDiary train journey to London through flooded field after flooded field. Pretty impressive that trains are running, so many others cancelled due to flooding - one student emailed to say she couldn’t make it in from Bournemouth. But then our train terminated at Gatwick (signal failure). One old man complaining loudly about “so-called floods”; me pondering poignancy of stop at an airport. Tangential as they are, let’s make those links

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@afewbugs I was once behind a man who ordered 20 espresso shots. The barista checked with her manager to make sure that was allowable.

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I’m learning to knit lace. Why do I do this to myself?

I mean… I know why, it’s about learning the crafts of my foremothers that have been mechanised and dismissed as useless or frivolous. Lace (in its many forms of crafting) was a ‘breadwinning’ industry for many women who did not get to enjoy the lace, they made it and they sold it. We are told women didn’t work, they were ‘only mothers and wives’ but they did. Women had many jobs, the writers of history just didn’t value it.

Jules boosted

My favourite "fuck around and find out" is probably Victoria Gillick who tried to prevent her daughter getting access to contraception and ended up becoming the definition of women's bodily autonomy in the UK for the last 36 years. She's still alive and angry, ha ha ha.

Still thinking about the guy queueing for coffee before me who got a hot chocolate with four espresso shots in. Don't know what he was going through but I've never been so tempted to give a stranger a hug.

Jules boosted

Every year of my entire life has been one of the 10 warmest years recorded up to that point.

The last time that a global annual average temperature was not in the top ten at the time it occurred was 1976.

Given the slow rate of progress in fighting global warming, there is a strong chance that every year during rest of my career will also be a top ten year. ☹️

Jules boosted

@cdarwin I have been interested in #Longtermism for a while, but hadn’t fully picked up on the central role of #Oxford #Philosophy in it. Just adding here an article referred to in the one you posted. Seems to me there should be far more knowledge and condemnation of all this.

@MartinFarrent @WilliamNB yes it felt depressingly like Brexit all over again. I really should have learned not to expect sensible decisions

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Jules boosted

We just lost the right to wild camp on Dartmoor - the last place in all of England & Wales where it was legal. What happens now?
#WillCamping #Dartmoor #WillCycle

Jules boosted

These scenes of destruction are not from Ukraine.

This is happening in Germany.
For coal mining.
In 2023.


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