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Jules boosted

Maryam Mirzakhani was the first woman & Iranian to earn the Fields Medal in mathematics for her brilliant work in hyperbolic geometry.

Her achievements influenced quantum field theory, engineering & material science & may have applications related to how the universe began.

Mirzakhani was an immigrant & became a Stanford professor. She passed away at just 40 in 2017. In her words:

“The beauty of mathematics only shows itself to more patient followers.” #women #history

Jules boosted
Jules boosted

In just a few short hours it will be completely legal to write, distribute, and profit from story about Dracula, Winnie the Pooh, and Sherlock teaming up to fight crime together. What a time to be alive!

Jules boosted

Gotta love this. New Year's eve fireworks in Scarborough, England were canceled last night so as not to disturb an Arctic walrus named Thor. He's resting, you see.

Oh, and happy new year.

#Walrus #NewYear #NewYearsEve

Jules boosted

If you’re going to set off fireworks all evening and not just at midnight, then I should legally be allowed to let my dogs shit in *your* house because you’ve made them terrified of going outside.

Jules boosted

So, the whole thing with and some other stuff that's been popping up in my timeline had me down. Went to twitter found people discussing it, filled in some missing bits.

While I was there I saw 7 transphobic memes. Looked at each one carefully-- none of them meet the conditions that would make reporting them worthwhile. (outrageous)

So, that's the difference ugliness is everywhere but at least here we can do something about it.

Jules boosted

RT @chromato_mania
I may not be able to do some of what my neurotypical friends and family can... but I can create my art :) I started my aerial embroidery journey 3.5 years ago and love it more every day! Do you create art? What kind? #autism #ActuallyAutistic #neurodivergent

Jules boosted

Aliens contact Earth

And the message that we all agree to send back

On behalf of humanity is

"Please don't tell anyone that we live like this"

Jules boosted

Glass Onion spoiler-ish 

Jules boosted

My favourite experience in nature from 2022… a nearby hillside turned purple.

Common foxgloves produce vast quantities of seeds - these waited in the earth for years, from a time before the hill was planted with conifers. In 2021 foresters cleared the dense trees, giving them their chance. The plants grew all year, rested over winter, then bloomed this June in their second summer.

Nature is full of surprises.

#nature #environment #plants #wildflowers #LandscapePhotography #Somerset #Quantocks

Jules boosted

Let this sink in for a minute...

Of all the mammals on Earth, 96% are livestock and humans.

Only 4% are wild mammals.

Of all birds in the world, 70% are chickens and other poultry, just 30% are wild.

#BiodiversityLoss #Nature

Jules boosted

Presenting the Champlain Ice Scarf: #climate #knitting. The white rows are years when Lake Champlain (#vermont) froze over. The blue rows are years when it did not. Data are from 1800 through 2021. Guess which end is 1820.

Jules boosted

this one goes out to everyone whose accomplishments this year aren't visible. the ones who prioritised rest over the rat race, who rebuilt themselves, ground up, cell by cell.

those who caressed their scars & found the space to heal. the ones who found reasons to smile in a world that makes you scream. those who danced again, sang again, found a moment of grace. if you felt joy in being able to pause, in being able to breathe—

you lived this year, too. and how beautiful it is that you did. 💚

Jules boosted

Proposal to delay go-live on #2023 until we have most of the bugs ironed out this time.

@KFvMalssen I've actually been compiling an extensive list of everything I want to use my newfound power to eradicate from the world. So far I have
Plastic grass
Sky lanterns
Betting machines
Disposable barbecues
Coffee pods
All pesticides for domestic gardeners
All media owned by Rupert Murdock and the Daily Mail
And then after making the world a better place for all humanity I go mad with power and eradicate licorice, sweet-and-salty popcorn, Coca Cola & Strictly Come Dancing

So after I posted complaining about yesterday, Waitrose is going to stop selling them. I never knew I had so much power. I should use it wisely and go for something hugely damaging like sky lanterns or plastic grass next but I kind of want to post complaining about Marmite and see if that works

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Jules boosted

Obviously, media and public health outlets have been saying "COVID is over" despite the overwhelming evidence it is not.
I'd expect that the new narrative will be "COVID was totally over but China brought it back due to their irresponsible decision not to get infected sooner."🙄

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Jules boosted

We have stood our children on foundations of sand. Monocultures of forests, fields and sealed earth urban living.

What is the prevailing light. Our collective realisation that ecological complexity is now vital, for a future generation to thrive…

#nature #photography #climateaction

Alt text: A young adult stands upon a fallen non native tree, within a monoculture commercial forest, they stand square to the viewer, head turned to one side, side profile, looking towards the light.

Jules boosted

Tip: don't tell people 'you've handled enough skulls to know what they look like' if they don't know you're an archaeologist. They might get concerned 😁

Jules boosted

@BylinesScotland it’s only controversial because people like you in the press keep calling it that. Can you not, just once, accurately report something without the clickbait crap!

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