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Jules boosted

It's interesting to me that Mastodon has been quite widely taken up as (to most people) "hey it's an alternative Twitter, also something something decentralised something something bit complex innit".

What that ignores is the deeply embedded leftist culture of it (maybe not everyone involved sees it as leftist exactly...), ie. hate gets you banned/defederated, corporate shilling is highly discouraged and – as we've just seen – shouting "woo yay cops" is... not popular.

Jules boosted

The scale of ongoing biodiversity loss is tremendous.

(graphic from a quote of mine a few years ago) #Biodiversity #Extinction

Jules boosted
Jules boosted

"Use AI to streamline art production! Increase productivity! More output! Progress! Move forward!" I just want to sit down and draw my little drawings with my little hands because they make me happy leave us alone with your joyless hyper-productivity fetish

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Jules boosted

Stunning set of maps depicting the changing course of the Mississippi River over millennia, created by US Army engineer Harold Fisk in 1944:

Prints available here:

#maps #art #rivers #mississippi #cartography #design #dataviz #time

Jules boosted

You can go “goblin mode,” but I’m going to go “hobbit mode”: walking around barefoot in a comfortable home, eating more than three meals a day, splitting my time between tending my garden and writing, and occasionally getting pulled into an adventure by an old wizard.

Jules boosted
Jules boosted

When I was in college i got into flight simulators for a minute, and discovered there was a whole community of people who roleplay as air traffic controllers on a multiplayer version of MS flight simulator. There was specialized radar and comms software and you could sign up for classes where you learned real-world lingo and techniques for directing air traffic. I tried it for a couple weeks and realized it was basically "having a stressful job" as a hobby

anyway now I'm a moderator on mastodon

Jules boosted

Feel like I have to post this on this platform, for obvious reasons...

"Oldest-ever DNA shows mastodons roamed Greenland 2 million years ago"

Jules boosted

Post financial crisis banks were required to separate risky investment banking from banking services we all use

This safeguard now being scrapped creating moral hazard and huge financial risks we will be responsible for

More Tory gambling with our money

Jules boosted

The Government want you to believe the people who
Gave you a safe birth
Kept you healthy
Managed your diseases
Saved your life
Did the same for your children
And will hold your hand so you don't die alone
Are your enemies
#NursesStrike #nurses #righttostrike

Jules boosted

The people going on strike at the moment are not enemies of the general public.

They are the general public, and they deserve to be paid enough to heat their homes as well as to put food on the table.

@nova I've been here about a month and already found two new bands, three podcasts, one SF author, a couple of dozen interesting scientific papers, learned about a voter suppression issue I wasn't aware of and discovered that arrows fired from a longbow can pierce a harddrive so I think I'm doing pretty well at finding new stiff through Mastodon!

Jules boosted

Huh, I wonder what [thing] is. *searches online*

*opens article*

*article is actually a video*

WELP, guess I'll never know! *closes tab*

Jules boosted

LOOK at this incredible willow, not far from my house. I can’t believe I get to be alive at the same time as her.

Jules boosted

It's interesting that just three decades after Pripyat was abandoned because of the Chernobyl disaster, the forest has already reclaimed the city.

Don't let anyone convince you that reforestation is difficult. It'll happen all by itself, if people allow it to.

Jules boosted

#OpenScience thoughts on an icy morning walk 🌄.

For me, one of the biggest benefits of #OpenScience has been the recognition of #BigTeamScience. I used to think we had to have every skill in the skill book, and this fed massively into my Impostor Syndrome.

Big Team Science allowed me to truly understand that acquiring every skill is impossible. Instead, working collaboratively alongside each other with our unique expertise creates stronger research.

We are human. We can't do it all. 💡 I can see it (using Librem Social), and he's very cute

Jules boosted

This whole business with trying to migrate my account has got me thinking about place names and our inner geography. I’ve recently moved house, and the hill I live on once gloried in the name of Faerie Knowe. That place is gone now, swallowed up by change; it has a much more prosaic street name today. But I wonder what it was named for? The ancient and fey oak tree in my garden? The whimsy of a Victorian gentleman? The in-jokes of 18th century potters? Here it is on a map #folklore #faeries

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