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Jules boosted
Jules boosted

@afewbugs "Pro Life" is one of my favorites. They rebranded from "anti-abortion" (which is all they were) to make it more palatable.

Which I guess is an illustration of just how effectively good branding can brainwash us

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It's like when I heard of "gender critical feminism" and though "ah cool, I too am very critical of many gendered concepts" and then it turned out to be another name for terfs

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Jules boosted

Across the United States, Elon Musk’s Boring Company shows up to pitch transport projects far below the cost of competitors. Local officials get excited and pursue them, for cost savings and to associate with Musk. In Ontario, CA, officials said, “it’s the Boring Company, so Elon Musk brings that kind of sexiness to it.”

But when it comes time for the Boring Company to deliver, it conveniently disappears.

#elonmusk #tech #transport #cities

Jules boosted

The Boring Company’s actions show Elon Musk isn’t ushering in a transport revolution; he’s stifling any hope of one. We need to wake up if we’re to ever build a better transport system.

In the same way that the Hyperloop’s purpose was to get California’s high-speed rail line canceled, the Boring Company is distracting from train and transit projects that aren’t as “sexy”, but could make a real difference.

#hyperloop #boringcompany #elonmusk #transport #tech

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Since joining Mastodon I've learned what Effective Altruism actually is (I thought it was just evaluating charities for which ones do the most good for their funding) and now I'm slightly paranoid about all the other things I might think I'm in favour of without truly understanding.

Jules boosted

Angry rant about on misogynist who has ruined my day. 

Jules boosted

The hellhound (or "hound of hell") is typically depicted as a canine with a fire-and-brimstone motif, tasked with chasing down damned souls.

Though usually lacking humanoid vocal cords or opposable thumbs, they are usually depicted as sapient & capable of understanding language.

They would therefore be more than capable of casting spells, assuming the spell has few or no verbal components or fine detail work.

Assuming said spell requires glyphs or runes, a hellhound would be unable to use a pen, but could scratch them out in, say, a damp beach.

Therefore, under the correct circumstances, yes, a hot dog is a sand witch.

Jules boosted
Jules boosted

"Lacerta" by Margaret Whitehurst. “This constellation made me think of a #soundwave from space and the symbol of the #constellation. I was intrigued by sound coming from #space and it sounded like static. That is why I painted it.” 'Shared Sky Exhibition': #Indigenous #Australian & #SouthAfrican #artists explore ancestral & modern understandings of the sky above their traditional homelands, the location of the world’s largest #RadioTelescope, the Square Kilometre Array (#SKA).–Aboriginal Skies.

Jules boosted

I feel like sci-fi writers have a lot to answer for in enshrining Musk as part of popular culture. For years now, there have been stories which make casual references to him. Stories which include inconsequential mentions of little pieces of worldbuilding like "the Elon Musk space station" may not sound like much, but they all work to plant seeds in people's minds and strengthen connections.

Jules boosted


Jules boosted

Self-censorship is when fear of consequences stops you from speaking.
When concern or respect for others stops you from speaking, we just call that being a decent human.

Jules boosted

Meet the Pulgas Vestidas, or dressed fleas! These were once a popular tourist trinket for sale in markets in Mexico City. These fleas were created by nuns over 100 yrs ago and collected by American anthropologist Zelda M. M. Nuttall.

Image alt text: There is a dancing flea in a hat, a celebratory flea with cymbals, a little flea man with his flea wife on their wedding day, & the last image shows the whole flea gang together

#archive #library #fleas #Taxidermy #art #Entomology #mexico

Jules boosted

The forced installation of prepayment meters is pushing people into fuel poverty and must be stopped.

If your household is at risk, we want to hear from you. Please take 2 minutes to fill in our survey:

Jules boosted

sexual implications. the one good tweet from my old private twitter 

Jules boosted

Most of the West have chosen to do virtually nothing about high levels of death & chronic illness, & are locking high risk & vulnerable people out of society.

There’s another way: Layers. Masks PLUS indoor air cleaning PLUS vaccines TOGETHER produce the most equitable outcomes.

#COVID #COVID19 #PublicHealth

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Jules boosted

Western leaders want to gaslight you into believing otherwise, but infinite lockdowns and doing virtually nothing about high levels of death and chronic illness are not the only #COVID policy choices available.

#COVID19 #PublicHealth

Jules boosted

Moths, with images. #MothingMonday #3 

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