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Jules boosted

My nine year old thought these were excellent answers. I had to agree!

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The atmospheric carbon dioxide measurements that feed the iconic Keeling's Curve have stopped because of the Mauna Loa volcano. Reporting by

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Because someone was curious: My take on a thematically appropriate gingerbread house this season (specifically the prompt was "A peppermint kaiju in a gingerbread city").

Jules boosted

I love it in here. There's currently a hashtag named #thicktrunktuesday that is basically pics of massive, beautiful trees.
I humbly submit El Tule, an incredible ahuehuete from the state I was born, Oaxaca. It's over 2000 years old. "Tule" means "Tree of Enlightment" #Oaxaca #Mexico #ElTule It has the thickest trunk in the world.

Jules boosted

You asked to see some Ghibli-ish photos, so here we go :blobartist:

They were taken around my hometown, near the city that inspired Howl's Moving Castle. I edited them with #Lightroom.

I can share some tips to achieve this "anime vibes". Just let me know if you're interested!

🇨🇵 Des fans de #Ghibli par ici ? J'ai édité ces photos pour ressembler à des frames d'anime. J'espère que ça fait à peu près illusion (au moins de loin :blobcatpeek:) !

#photography #photographie #anime #mastoart #alsace

@genderoftheday is the unicorn also foreboding? Enquiring minds need to know

Jules boosted

So for those out there keeping score, those of us who said clearly from the very beginning that Elon Musk’s #BoringCompany, “Tunnels for Teslas” and #Hyperloop were all “dumb distractions” from the well-understood solutions that would actually improve cities and urban mobility, were right of course.

#cities #transportation #urbanism #publictransit #walking #biking #mobility #urbanplanning #teslas #ElonMusk

Jules boosted

Close up of a Monarch wing.

I managed to get this photo just after a Monarch had freed itself from its chrysalises while its wings were still drying.

It was a shot with the 105mm 2.8 Sigma macro lens.

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Jules boosted

Repost of a photo while I was #bikepacking in Scotland this year when a Loch Ness duck drank some of my coffee out of my mug! I'd given them some Bombay mix which was quite spicy so I think he needed something to take the edge off. 🌶🦆🌶

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I kinda love when non-bird people only use the male coloration of birds in their designs and unknowingly give us decorations featuring gay birds.

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whenever people give me shit about my cat owning a busted old ipad carefully firewalled from the Internet, I show them this

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Another example of #VimesBoots today.

LastWeekRyn bought potatoes and apples with all the good intentions of using them in meals. LastWeekRyn failed in that pursuit.

So today I made baked oatmeal and salt potatoes knowing that because we bought a chest freezer and a vacuum sealer, I have the means and space to store them for later use. The amount of money and time I will save because of this makes it worth it.

But the initial outlay is pretty big.

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Plastic Pollution from Running/Cycling/Ultra events 

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CW: Sexual harassment in STEM 

Jules boosted

Another sign Musk is making a Twitter an increasingly unpleasant and less useful forum for scientists: the COVID misinformation policy is gone.

I've been conflicted about Twitter given its important role in sci comm vs the trolling, misinfo, etc. But increasingly hard not to hope the whale fails for good.

@Tattooed_mummy it's part of a broader movement going on at the moment to decolonise scientific terms, for example revaluating species names that come from the name of the first European to discover them rather than say the indigenous name. It's a fascinating area to read up on if you are, say, a colossal nerd like me who's interested in these things

@Tattooed_mummy There is a general movement at the moment, which I support, to stop naming diseases after places, which can create bad associations for the place (no one's going to be starting up luxury ecotourism cruises on the Ebola River any time soon), and after animals (eg Swine Flu) which can be stigmatising for the people who have the conditions. And apparently to name them after earworms, which I don't support.

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