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Jules boosted

My grandmother began sewing ribbon skirts as part of her healing from the trauma of residential schools.
She and my mother have always been fantastic seamstresses, frequently making my Halloween costumes.

She's now moved on to making regalia, and this is her first Plains-style regalia dress.

#NativeAmerican #Regalia #Indigenous

Jules boosted

Jumping off what @blaine is saying here:

I work in professional fact-checking and content moderation for my day job at and I have begun conversations about ways to do content moderation as a federated service that admins can pay to subscribe to (where moderators are paid a living wage, maybe in worker owned coops even, as opposed to big social media companies using basically sweatshop moderation labor)

Jules boosted

My wife saves every sea creature she finds stranded on the beach, knowing that most won’t survive

Had me thinking about horseshoe crabs, bled for research then released. How many survive that?

Something like 4-30% of bled crabs die in the process. How many make it alive into the ocean and stay alive?

This long-term survival study is surprisingly encouraging— bled crabs survive better than unbled crabs, perhaps because that acute mortality culls less-healthy ones!

Jules boosted

Kipper-the-cat in a tree in Portugal, probably winter 2007. She travelled across France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Czech Republic, England, Scotland and Wales with us. She was buried in Yorkshire in 2016 at a grand old age.
Probably needs a #CatsOfMastodon hashtag too.

@Cassana that's awesome and really helpful thank you! I'll update this evening or tomorrow. I really appreciate your time.

Jules boosted

Switching flights to night trains could cut 3% of total EU climate heating emissions, according to

Jules boosted

One question is: how to detoxify spaces without putting the load on people affected to make it right? We all have a shared responsibility for that -- but it involves letting go of privilege.

I *think* the first steps are listening well, amplifying critiques, looking for practical routes to change. But also, if you're coming at this from an engineering mindset - then chill out with that and defer those with lived and learnt experience of building inclusive social spaces

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I've seen a few folks join Mastodon and complain that it's too difficult to follow people on other servers, with the cutting and pasting and whatnot. But @bramus has now created a neat Chrome extension (or bookmarklet, if you prefer to go that route) that let's you avoid all that hassle.

I just tested it out... by following @bramus with it!

Jules boosted

Unlike worker bumblebees, the males don't return to the nest once they've left and often gather together to spend the night on flowers.

This is group of male Buff-tailed bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) on a passion flower 💚

One to watch out for in 2023 bumblebee season!

📷 Gaynor Griffiths

#BeeTheChange #Bumblebee #Wildlife #Nature

Jules boosted

The view over the Somerset Levels this morning just before sunrise. Taken from Glastonbury Tor.

Jules boosted

Elon's take over of Twitter has set a lot of things into motion in the digital world :amaze:

Tumblr and now also Flickr are thinking about intergrating ActivityPub so it will be able to connect to the Fediverse! :fediverse:

A lot of lay offs in the mainstream social media but the Fediverse is only growing!

The world is waking up :blobcheerwitch: Social media can be fun but also privacy friendly at the same time, you got the proof now!❤️

No billioaires needed ✅

@WanderingGaia Could you provide a link to the text of the letter for those using screen readers please?

Jules boosted

If you're like me, then you were really happy to learn about Mastodon's enthusiastic support for image descriptions, and you were really eager to join in.

Then you went to actually write something and realized you have no idea how to present visual information in a way that is helpful/enjoyable to those who are #VisuallyImpaired or #Blind.

I found this guide really informative:

Of course, I'd also love to hear any additional tips y'all might have!


Jules boosted

Imagine if those in a position of power today were to wake up 30 years into the future and find themselves having to answer an international tribunal judging their contribution to climate breakdown that has since developed. Would they claim they had no choice? #COP27 #climate

See in the image how thin the atmosphere is we're polluting. Take a globe, find two cities just 100 km apart on that globe - tilt that distance vertically and that's all there is to space. And that's already generous.

Jules boosted

The other thing the "adaptation is more realistic than mitigation" deniers get wrong is ecology. Organisms live in habitats, their ecological niches. Climate is a major determinant. It's a complex web that would be broken. There is no adaptation without huge ecological upheaval.

Jules boosted

Solidarity with all the UK #academics on #strike today ✊🏾

There's no high quality public-service education without fair pay, healthy working conditions, dignity and labour rights for all staff. We're with you #UCUrising @ucu!

Jules boosted

I'm so old I remember that both the US and the UK used to tax very high incomes at 90%. AFTER you made a bunch of money THE REST was taxed a lot. If you make $1 billion you "only" take home $100 million.

How MANY problems do we have now with billionaires screwing up both countries, and the rest of the people struggling?

So don't tell me about solutions until you raise top tax rates back where they should be in a democracy.

The POINT of top tax rates is redistribution.

#tax #taxtherich

Jules boosted

Right to roam in England and Wales 

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