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Jules boosted

@openrightsgroup Will the recording be available to watch later please?

Jules boosted

For the last 12 years the Jåhkågaska Sami community has been defending its grazing lands by resisting this iron-ore mine. By doing so they have been safeguarding what keeps us all safe: biodiverse forests, intact carbon stock, clean water and air.



Jules boosted

Last week & residents stormed #Nantes airport in pyjamas💤.

Their demands:
🕰️ Night 🛫curfew to be extended to 8hrs ( & actually be respected by airlines
🚧 Stop the #AirportExpansion

Watch their intervention:

Jules boosted

The greatest power an uncle has

Is to say to your niece

"Oh yeah I like that pop star too"

And ruin it forever for them

Jules boosted

My latest Guardian story - a think tank which gets tax breaks as a charity, but has been spreading unscientific climate scepticism, is being probed by the Charity Commission

Jules boosted


Keir Starmer is blaming migrant workers here for low paid work

The reality is that the best solution is a £15 minimum wage & strong Trade Unions - not closing the door to migrants


Jules boosted

NEW: We are pleased that following our legal intervention the Charity Commission has agreed to investigate the sinister Global Warming Policy Foundation.

Public funds should never be used to subsidise lobbying by those who deny or minimise climate change.

Jules boosted

We biology geeks may sound elitist when we use scientific names instead of common names, but we're really just trying to avoid this:

Jules boosted

Brand new cartoon: Two abreast

Some of the thinking behind this cartoon, plus info on reuse, etc:

@pork_chop_hair I'm scared to ask, but how many albino sea lions do you know?

Jules boosted

The Large Blue became extinct in Britain in 1979. Its unusual relationship with red ants was an important factor in both its decline & successful reintroduction.

To infiltrate an ants' nest, the caterpillar must very accurately mimic the smell of the ants. Each ant species has a unique scent, so the caterpillar's disguise is specific to just one species: Myrmica sabuleti. If it ends up in the wrong ants' nest, its cover will be blown! 🥸 👀

#butterfly #butterflies #LargeBlue #ants #Lepidoptera

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English isn't my Mum's first language, and she's forgetting it a bit as she gets older. Which is a bit worrying tbh, but that's not the point of this post. Anyway today she forgot the word for "neighbour" and described her as "the lady beyond the wall" and if that isn't a I don't know what is

Jules boosted
Jules boosted

Beautiful Yellow Hammer perched in the Hawthorn hedgerow. They are UK conservation Red list but locally they appeared to be doing well this year... saw reasonable numbers around our village fields. Hope it continues! 🤞 😊
@RSPB #nature #naturephotography #wildlife #birdwatching #birds #photography #wildlifephotography

Jules boosted
Jules boosted

Don’t look for heroes.

Look for people who build community by making space for people to care for each other and raise one another up.

Jules boosted

So far I have been mirroring, but then editing. But I do follow a lot of #art accounts there - is a screenshot ok? And how about posting videos from Twitter?

I'd be very grateful for comments and boosts for the widest range of opinions. Thanks x

#TwitterMigration #AutoPosting
#Retweets #Fediverse #Etiquette

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