@witchescauldron or maybe we are just too lazy & prefer some third party to #admin central servers & sell us shiny shit we don't need or want?
OK. So let's change it. #BlueGreenSandbox is looking to promote open practical solutions. I have been documenting my progress & am seeking access to a trusted #peertube host... Like #visionontv!! While I am being assisted by @disroot & @xj9 neither are focussed on #news or #environment
@xj9 @disroot @witchescauldron
thanks for the positive response!
My bandwidth also is limited by my mobile data, as I do not currently have satellite internet #wifimax roll on #5g lol
@xj9 @disroot @adinfinitum sounds like a good connection, have a look back at this hashtage to see what am upto with the #OMN project. I have some small funding to keep the servers online for meany years.
@adinfinitum @disroot @xj9 @visionontv is looking for a new volunteer sys admin if you know anyone :)
@adinfinitum the majority are like that as are most political types. The #geekproblem duse not help to make things easy DIY both sad and bad outcome. We are trying with the #OMN