@cassidy Have you heard any updates on when Flathub paid application support will be released? Last I understood a few years ago is that the code is ready but it was waiting on legal items to be worked through.

@adilarif as far as I understand, that’s still largely the case. We have to get the legal/organizational stuff sorted before we can start accepting payments as a global software marketplace. Unfortunately, the hold up is that we don’t have dedicated staff to work on that organizational stuff—which is part of what the organizational stuff aims to solve. 😅

@cassidy Thank you so much for taking the time to share the update! I can understand all the organization items taking some effort.

Flathub has seen amazing growth. With paid application support, this will only accelerate. It may even start encouraging proprietary vendors like Affinity to start considering supporting Linux.

The best days of Flathub has yet to come.

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